Session Date: 10/21/2022

The guards arrive and ew explain what happened. We all agree to do a sweep through the castle for the cause. We split up into groups.

Caer Colbrech Floors:

  1. stable, corridor to watch towers, store/craft room
  2. armory, gatehouse, dining, great hall
  3. chancellory, records, VIP guests

Sarras, Kerran, and Calthel

We begin our sweep and check the creamery. We discover the maids in there and they say that they saw a horrible little man crawling from the reagent room towards the courtyard. We go to investigate the reagent room, and in there Calthel finds some crystals affected by psychic energy, so it’s clear that something was there within the hour. They would have had to have been inside of this room because the walls are so thick the energy wouldn’t be able to penetrate through to affect the crystals.

Psychic crystals

These crystals are normally cloudy, but go completely clear in the presence of strong psychic energy. They do not hold a charge for long, only about an hour.

The Entire Group

We are rejoined by Ships and Giacomo and go down into the dungeon. It’s empty except for the furthest cage, which contains a creature that Kerran explains is a Nothic. Giacomo acts like he knows what that is, but I know something about his act is off. I explain how one becomes a nothic and that they are aberrations.

For the most part, she rambles about seeing it, seeing it all, and she can’t stop looking, etc. Calthel eventually asks if she was the one who attacked the castle, and she says no, she wouldn’t do that because she works here. Calthel realizes that this is the former court wizard, Honoria. She believes she is down there for her health, and she comments that everyone believes she’s gone mad, but she doesn’t feel that she is. She doesn’t know anything about the imp or whatever it was that attacked the castle.

We leave to speak to the guards and Giacomo leaves to go speak to someone else. Calthel reassures Ships that becoming a nothic is rare. Sarras explains to Jareth (the guard) that her holding cell is defiled and we learn that Honoria has been there for 6.5 months. Because a wizard turned nothic wouldn’t defile a space over time, so we suspect that Chaplain Hepra defiled it.

During this, Ships went to investigate the Chaplain’s room and returns to explain to us that it looks tossed, and abandoned. He also mentions that he has new magic to help him investigate!