Session Date: 4/8/2024

We are using the now reacting Seal of Infinity to try to find the wizard that caused pieces of reality to disappear. Tabby tries to look around, and then Bosch climbs a building to try to look around. The two of them aren’t sure where to go, and Faylen takes some time to recall all that he read about the city and gently guides Tabby. After a little while, he realizes that they are vaguely headed in the direction of the palace and says so, pointing out which way they need to go.

Tabby suddenly feels a sharp pain in his side and drops our piece of the Seal of Infinity as the spy that worked for the Department of Misconduct reveals herself. The Agent is standing on our piece of the Seal and is upset that we did not give it over to her when she very first asked. We explain we just don’t trust her, and then she calls us homeless nobodies, which offends Faylen. Combat begins, and we dispatch of her, with Mary retrieving the Seal from her. She is clearly humiliated by our encounter, and she says that our Sage will be worthless in the days to come. She teleports away.

We take some time to heal up and discuss next steps. We agree that we need to press on at this time and continue on. The Seal shard is now pulling Mary in a direction different from the palace. Mary stops and offers the shard to Faylen since he seems to be familiar with the city, at least on an intellectual level, and he takes it and starts navigating them through the city toward where the Seal is pulling.

The group continues on, and they find themselves at the entrance of a mansion. Faylen is aware that this district and street have a lot of rather important people who would work at the castle, though at varying times. Whatever is happening now, perhaps someone is here to finish the job. Behind the gate is a figure - two hands, two legs, some sort of hood on their head, but there’s something wrong with how that figure is moving. It’s shambling to the entrance of the mansion.

We agree we need to stop it and Faylen casts Acid Arrow and misses it, but it catches the attention of the creature. It stops, turns 180 to look at all of us, moving very mechanically. All of us except for Tabby are dazed by this, and we are all aware that this thing is similar to what attacked us on the train. It’s very much a thing, wearing a human suit.

As it shambles towards us, it casts away some of its disguise, and we realize that it was a medium creature in the most literal sense, and now it is a large creature moving toward us. There’s a distortion effect around it as it approaches. This is the second of these creatures that we’ve seen, and they are all wounds on the face of the world, something very wrong with them being here.

Bosch critically failed the will saving throw, and there is a hum in his brain, and he’s aware that if he focused on it, he might be able to make sense of something. Bosch throws some junk over the gate and the thing is confused by the objects and waits.

Faylen presses a hand to his head to try to clear up this headache that’s dazing him and he screws his eyes shut, then shakes his head a little and the brain fog clears. He tells Bosch that we need to get that gate open.