Session Date: 02/07/2025


Net and Saint had hopped on Net’s bike and drove off. Ryne and Emerick are left with the option to turn themselves in, or try to convince the taxi lumbering down the road to book it. Sulfur had been taken by some of his previous comrades.

Tuesday, September 19th, 2045

Net & Saint

Net says that he’d love to stay and chat, but advises Ryne and Emerick not to die as he peels out with Saint on the back of the bike. As he drives, it turns out that this entire place has become a hot zone and cops are coming from all directions. Net speeds past a cop car and the cop throws on their lights and turns to pursue.

Net asks Saint if he has any more speed heals and Saint says he does, and a stim. Net asks for the speed heal, and then pulls over for the cop to stop them. The cops don’t leave the car aggressively, but they do leave and they come up to talk to each passenger.

The female cop asks Net why he was in such a rush, and Net plays dumb asking if she’d heard what was going on and she said yes, that was what she was responding to. Net says he doesn’t wanna get caught up in whatever is going on. She admits she respects that, but he was putting everyone else in danger, and he immediately talks about how he’s an upstanding citizen and doesn’t have many marks on his record, etc, etc.

She asks for their ids and takes them back to the car to run their ids and the woman’s partner stays and just watches them to make sure they’re not going to try anything stupid.

They’re waiting for their ids to run and then after like fifteen minutes the male cop’s radio says that there’s new information and they need to pull up databases, and then after another fifteen or so minutes, the cops come back. The woman explains that some interesting information was given to them from some interesting witness reports, and it’s at this time the male officer reaches over and turns the key to the bike to shut the bike off.

Net comments that this is rather uncouth, and the male officer explains he’s not currently searching for anything. The female officer explains that witnesses have pointed to suspects that were in a hurry leaving the scene, on a bike particularly like this, and the suspects looked a lot like these two.

She arrests Saint and Net for the murder of Mr. Steele. They are put into the back of the car and Net notices that the female police officer has a tattoo that looks rather like a tattoo from a gang that his family’s worked with in the past - it looks like it’s the Valentino’s.

Net speaks up about the tattoo and the female officer responds that it pays to have friends everywhere, yeah? The man pulls down his collar and there’s also a Valentino’s tattoo on him as well. Net relaxes into the seat.

They’re driven to the station and are booked and placed into the holding cell, with their phone calls denied.

Emerick & Ryne

Emerick looks frantically around to figure out what to do, but it isn’t long before he leans against the wall of the bar and goes for the smoke he was going for when Mr. Steele interrupted and wait for the cops. Ryne waits with him. The first thing Emerick notices is that Trauma Team parks in the middle of the street, moving anything and anyone in their way out of their path. It isn’t long before we hear that he was a platinum member and they also very quickly deduce that he’s dead and they pick him up and take him to the AV for salvage.

By the time TT is wrapping up, MaxTac and NCPD are showing up. MaxTac strike officers immediately run inside, and one of the support officers waits outside with us. There’s some commotion inside as MaxTac and TT argue about who’s jurisdiction this is, and NCPD shows up shortly thereafter.

It’s immediate chaos and turmoil as nobody knows what the fuck is going on. The patrol officers are trying to keep the police, SWAT is trying to assess the situation.

We are both approached by one of the SWAT members and he explains there’s been a lot of reports about how we are pretty tied to what happened here. Our reports will be more in-depth than the rest, so he’s going to go ahead and take us in for questioning.

We are processed and put into the holding cell, arriving after Net and Saint.

The Entire Party (Sans Sulfur)

We’re all taken into the interrogation room and give our stories. We all tell the truth, even if some people conveniently forget something or another in terms of details. Net calls for his lawyer after his interview.

Emerick eventually gets taken back and he tells the story, and then he admits that he’s the one that wrote the article and caused this to happen. He says he can absolutely prove it, and then he leaves the room and asks for a phone call. He calls Seo and asks for Seo to bring him his laptop with all of his evidence on it. Seo also advises that he also lawyer up, and he brings his lawyer along with Emerick’s laptop.

Once the lawyers show up along with Emerick’s evidence, the charges have shifted from murder to manslaughter, to acting in self defense. Because of Emerick’s evidence and pressure from Seo’s lawyer, the charges are dropped against all of us - the NCPD wanted someone to throw under the bus due to the gangs, along with Miranda putting a good word in for us, and we eventually do get released.

Net’s bike was impounded in that time. It’s 4,000 eddies.


Sulfur is thrown into the car and they are fleeing the scene. Molly is intent on driving away from the scene and is able to anticipate where the cops are so that she can land herself on the tail of each of the police. It’s definitely something she clearly has a lot of experience in. They finally make it to an abandoned warehouse in the industrial part of Night City, and there are an awful lot of fun “toys” in there, along with transport vehicles of various types, including a mother fucking TANK.

After Sulfur made a comment on the toys, and Molly commented that they’d been taking some really nice contracts and they have essentially turned themselves into their own international security firm. They still have their identification and still work for the CIA, but they’re doing other work on top of that that they keep secret.

Molly offers him a drink and he says no thank you, but she ignores him and just gives him his favorite drink anyway. Molly comments that the last time they spoke, Sulfur kinda ghosted after. He admits that he did at least put his two weeks in, and Molly says that he left and there were no letters, no pictures of family. Sulfur dismisses it and says that things move fast. Molly calls bullshit and asks why he abandoned her, and Sulfur looks down at his drink and struggles to come up with anything.

She interrupts his thought process and asks why the fuck he contacted them again, and Sulfur says that it was a bad situation and he was broadcasting, figuring it would be some other team, or he’d swap it to NCPD. He didn’t expect it to be Molly, he just didn’t want the people he roped into it to die - didn’t want more bloodshed.

Molly asks what he’s doing now, and Sulfur says he’s stuck working for a Soviet. He explains that he was at the concert, and then the big Steele guy came out of nowhere and threw the little guy with the purple hair across the bar. He hesitates for a moment, and then says that we all have our tightknit communities, and he’s indebted to three people in that group and he’ll watch their backs. Molly calls his shit and says he’s not answering her question, and asks why he’s working again.

Sulfur stumbles through a few words and Molly tells him to cut the fucking shit and then slaps him. Sulfur puts the drink down and he (continues to lie) says that he’s trying to make a living. Molly calls bull and says that he was doing that with them, and asks why he left and what he’s doing now. Sulfur sits back and drags his hands down his face and grumbles how he can’t lie to her, then he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his incredibly old wallet, pulling out an old polaroid photo of him, his wife, his kid. He hands it to her and says that they’re gone - well, one is, and he doesn’t know about the other one.

Molly takes the picture and comments that she can see what brought him back into work. Sulfur says he doesn’t want to get her wrapped up in this, and Molly begins laughing. She says that the man she loved leaves her to run off with someone else, starts a family with them, the family dies, and now he’s on her doorstep again out of desperation to help this random group of people he fell in with, and do they even know who he is?

Sulfur hangs his head and says that we only think he’s a roadie, but Molly knows better. She says that of all the years he’s spent lying, maybe he’d get good at it. He said that he can lie, but not to her, and she says that it’s clear that if he was lying then he failed to lie to them. Sulfur stutters, then Molly says she doesn’t know why she brought him here, why she responded to the call because she knew it was his voice… She did because it’s her job, it’s what she does - the callsign is called, they go to help, and their past comes to haunt them. Of all the years they’ve been together, and also apart, Sulfur just can’t… talk to her. Most of this conversation was Sulfur lying to try to avoid this; she brought him in here to talk to him and see what they can do next, but he’s too prideful or too depressed to even fucking ask for help, but he can go ask a bunch of random strangers he knows at all to help.

Sulfur outbursts to stand and say that he isn’t connected to them, and Molly stands up and says that Sulfur knows them and they’d go to help him with anything without question. Sulfur says he doesn’t want any of those that he knows and cares about to die, and Molly says bullshit: they’ve worked together tirelessly and have each other’s backs to help out and they have always had each other’s backs. She doesn’t know who’s dead, who’s alive, or what happened.

Sulfur bursts again saying that his daughter’s dead, that Penny’s dead. She died beneath him because he failed to protect her. He asks Molly if she knows what it’s like for your kid to die beneath you because you failed to protect her, because some machine failed. He was brought into a trap by the damn fucking Soviet who knew where she was, and he charged in thinking he could get his Mayday back. He is sorry he left, he was running because of that band of crazies.

It’s clear that Sulfur knows that he fucked up, but it was with the absolute best intentions. Molly admits she doesn’t know the pain he’s gone through or the turmoil in his mind, but she reinforces the fact that they were all a family once before, and if the family is in danger? They’ll help. If he is in a situation where he needs help, they will help. Molly gives him a hug and as she hugs him, she says, “let’s get your Mayday back.”

Sulfur hugs her back incredibly tightly and starts weeping on her shoulder as everything that he’d been avoiding acknowledging him hits him: his daughter is dead, and he never buried her. He doesn’t know what to say, and he’s not good with words, or emotions.

Molly asks what he learned from the Soviet, and Sulfur explains he had info on the drummer that he roped the rest into. Shit went down with Maelstrom, he got some information from the drummer, and then the drummer blew himself up.

She says not to be a stranger and they’re there for him, and then he says he’ll get a taxi. He gives Molly his new number and says that if they need anything from him to just give him a call.

He gets home and the cat had built a fort out of the couch cushions.

Thursday, September 21st, 2045


The Studd

Net takes a selfie with Mr. Steele’s Mr. Studd and says he got a trophy: who wants it! Charley and Alice want to mount it as a trophy, while Ri is somewhat on board. Seo gives a passive response of “LOL”. Crack Pipe seems the most in tune of where to showcase the trophy, saying he has the perfect idea of where to mount it. Powder is an almost pseudo supportive mother figure, saying something along the lines of “oh, you kids!” but is being supportive in it despite the joke.

Selling the Sandy

The sandevistan is going to be sold sold, but will keep the cyberarms. He goes through Juice to find someone to sell “scrap” to. He opts to invest the scrap into the car, but does ultimately decide to sell the sandevistan. Juice responds and says that he’s been part of the Night Market chain going on this month - for the rest of this month (about a week and a half) Net can list the item at the Night Market and sell it for whatever he thinks. He asks Emerick for a snippet of the video of him harvesting the sandy, and Emerick passes it along.

Net texts Juice and says bet, offering 25% of his take to Juice. Juice demands 60/40 in Juice’s favor, and Net agrees.

Juice tells Net in the afternoon that there’s a Night Market in Santo Domingo that has some high profile buyers that might be interested.


Money & Drugs

Saint’s come down from his synthcoke and is not feeling good. Saint wants to chill and rest, tweaking a little bit. He does eventually hit a level where this gets really annoying and he gets extremely anxious and paranoid and he needs another hit. He needs money so he can buy more drugs, and he comes to the awesome conclusion that installing Steele’s Sandy in someone would be a great way to get some money.

Saint texts Net and asks if he still has the sandy, and Net replies saying nah, he sold it with some scrap. Saint asks what, and Net says that he sold it; it was preem and he couldn’t pass it up. Saint asks where. Net says Night Market.

Saint goes to Juice and asks for the location of any Night Markets going on. Juice points him to Santo Domingo. Saint comments that if there’s any jobs Juice needs done, he would do it for cash. Juice explains that there’s a job soon and an acquaintance is going to facilitate the deal, and basically Juice needs Saint there to heal up his men should shit go south.

Saint asks Juice to sell some skill chips and a “fuck ton” of ammunition. Juice says he can sell it with a 60/40 split in Juice’s favor. Saint asks for some equipment to be fronted and asks for two speed heals. Juice will take care of it, Saint just needs to make it to the warehouse. He takes a bump of synthcoke and starts to walk to the warehouse. When he realizes how long it’ll be, he starts to sprint because he has no money for a cab.

Juice Being Juice

He does manage to make it, finally. He misses Net (who’s in the garage) and finds Juice. Juice pulls out a bunch of equipment for him and comments that if Saint needs anything, then feel free.

Juice comments that Saint doesn’t look like the type that has been to a drug deal before. Saint confirms, and asks to sit down, which Juice allows. Juice also takes a seat and comments that Saint may wish to reconsider how much he needs: they’re in the combat zone, people are trigger happy. Saint apologizes for not being in the right headspace and does take the rest. Juice explains his guy will be here in an hour or so and Saint can hang around. They’re dealing with Valentino’s and are dealing in synthcoke, selling off some stuff with the Valentino’s paying us. Price is about 100k. If Saint does a good job and nothing goes wrong or he keeps everyone alive and they get what they got and what they deserve… Saint might get 40%? They’ll see what all the expenses look like.

Juice gets up and leaves, with Ogre following.

Saint realizes he’s going to be getting into a fire fight later and he has to make sure everyone else is going to be fighting… He grows paranoid about him getting shot, people will get hurt.

Saint takes:

  • 6 speed heal
  • 4 stims
  • 2 first aid kits
  • 2 antibiotics
  • 4 rapidetox
  • 3 surge

As he’s taking medical items, Saint realizes he’s in Juice’s office and it’s known that there’s damn near anything in here: a lot of valuable things, including synthcoke. Maybe some cyberware that can be installed in someone. He creeps around the desk and the drawer is right there…

He starts to reach for the drawer in the desk to try to find something to sell, but he stops as he has a moment of clarity and realizes if he steals from Juice, he will no longer have any jobs for money. He packs up his bag and leaves, loading up his gun and making sure he’s ready for what’s about to go down.

Ryne (and then Saint) ((and then Net))

Ryne repairs his armor and then wants to take a day or two off to himself. He steps into the shower and the shower immediately goes ice cold before the curtain flings open and someone drags Ryne out of the shower: it’s Ri, who gets into the shower. Ryne almost falls into the counter top as he’s dragged out. Juice is walking past the bathroom and comments that he needs Ryne for a job, and get downstairs.

Ryne gets ready (angry) and Juice allows him to stop at the fridge to get a drink. When he does get downstairs, Juice explains that Saint is going with him, and they’re both to protect his man on this drug deal. They are to take care of any opposition and they must get the money he’s owed. He fills Ryne in on what’s going on and that Saint’s already here, do not leave, etc, etc.

Things have not been going in Ryne’s favor, and so he’s in a bit of a mood.

As they’re sitting and waiting, Ryne realizes that someone came into possession of a sandevistan lately, and it’d be rather helpful to have a sandevistan. Ryne decides to ask Saint about getting that sandevistan from Net and getting it installed. Saint sighs and explains that Net already sold it at a Night Market, without specifying which Night Market.

Ryne tries to call Net, who hangs up on him. Net walks in and says that we can talk right now. Ryne wants the sandevistan, and Net explains that he will kill himself using it: using the sandevistan will only cause problems. Net asks if Ryne has 10,000 eddies on him right this very second? Ryne does not, and Net explains how business is done and how this all works. If Ryne does not have the money right this moment then Net will not sell.

There is some back and forth about Night Markets and selling, and Net puts his foot down saying that he will not be giving it to them unless they pay him up front right now.

Ryne asks about repairing the armor, and Net says he will work on them if they pay him some. The two of them begin offering anything but the money that Net is asking for (50 eds a piece). Net agrees to repair Saint’s gear free, but he will owe Net 100eds to be paid at a later date.


For the first time in a very long time he takes the day off and he spends it taking it easy. He does go to the library and picks up a couple of new books to read. It’s a really nice day. 😊

After coming back from the library he reads what he checked out, but at some point he hears a very pissed off Juice on the phone. He hears Juice storm out of the warehouse. About ten minutes go by and he hears Juice screaming outside even more.

Saint & Ryne @ The Job

They get dragged out to the job and the Valentino’s show up. They made quite the trek to get out here for this deal, so it’s pretty serious. Juice’s side has a box of city center synthcoke. Saint notices this detail and is immediately interested, wanting some. He pushes these feelings down, knowing he can buy more at a later date after he makes some money and this is not the time.

Juice’s rep tells Ryne and Saint to stay back, that he’ll signal when it’s time to bring in the product. He and the Valentino’s rep move forward to talk. Ryne is very used to this.

The Valentino says they’ll pay 75k for this, and Juice’s man says that we agreed on 100k. The Valentino says he doesn’t wanna kill us, but he will, and the final offer is 75k. Ryne puffs up as he senses hostility, and Juice’s man says that this is the last chance: 100k or they walk. The Valentino grumbles and gives over a cred chip of 100k and the swap is made.

As they head back to the car, a couple of gunshots ring out. They hit the car, but they immediately peel out of the area and drive hard to get back to the warehouse without incident.

After the success, they notice something interesting: the driver gets a call and he reports to Juice that it’s finished and the transaction should have gone through. Saint and Ryne can hear Juice screaming over the phone asking what the fuck he can do for 10k and they’d better figure it out or he’ll string him up by his loins. He says to get there and get his product back.

At this line, Ryne feels a surge echo through his body and he has the same murderous intent that he had a few days prior. He wants to eviscerate someone: he wants those Valentinos dead, with no remorse.

They turn around and the moment that Ryne sees them, he open fires. Ryne kills some of the Valentinos in the blink of an eye, and then they make it back to the warehouse with the product in the back. Juice meets them outside and is screaming at them: what were they thinking!? Ogre opens up the back of the car and drags the product out, showing it to Juice.

Juice comments that he’s glad they were smart enough to count it to make sure none has been stolen. The driver explains what happened and says that the tech to verify the card was faulty, and that sends Juice off for not waiting for the transaction to finalize. Now he has to repair the car, now he has to buy better equipment - he was going to pay them handsomely, but they fucked this all up. They each get 5k.

Juice storms off back inside.

Saint & Net

Saint goes inside and goes to the garage in hopes of finding Net. Saint immediately pays Net the 100 eds. Net comments he’ll remove Saint from the list.

Saint attempts to do mental math to figure out how much he owes Juice. He also wonders how much the city special would cost.

Emerick & The Band

In the middle of reading about the second corporate war, Phoenix calls. He answers the phone and asks for a moment as he finishes the paragraph he’s reading, and then he closes the book and greets her and asks what’s up. Phoenix explains that

They all make their way to a coffee shop and sit down at a table. Kade Sredex is there and stands to shake all of our hands as we arrive. Reintroductions happen again, and we all take a seat around our table. He saw them perform and he really loved their performance and the spectacle of it, especially after the intermission. He really thinks the band has something and is prepared to offer a pretty substantial amount of money as a start fund - it may not be as much as “some of the competition” may have, but it’s definitely a good start. When he saw them perform he saw something unique to the world and he wants everyone else to see it too. He would like to buy Curb Stomping Word Vomit out and be their manager.

Charley comments that buying them out isn’t the direct solution: the problem is the current band manager. He, frankly, needs to just die. He is manipulative, he is a psychopath without the cybernetics, he is the worst thing imaginable. We have to put up with him daily because we all don’t have anywhere else to go, and he is the only way the band is making any sort of money or have any sort of life. They’re prepared to leave the current manager, but we all have our own lives and won’t sell ourselves short for just anyone. We need to make sure that the current manager is dealt with before we can commit to working with someone new.

Kade says that we all know the world we live in: not pleasant, and not all things can be settled in pen and paper as much as we may want it to. Things do get messy sometimes. Kade asks how much backlash it will be if Juice were to be killed. Charley speaks up and says it would be an implosion of a gang that is on an unprecedented rise in power in Night City - it would leave a power vacuumm, and probably a lot of gang wars and thus a lot of chaos. It would make for one hell of an album cover to have that for the first album, wouldn’t it?

Charley puts his hand out.