Session Date: 10/1/2023
Arythas and Dia rouse everyone and gets them ready to battle, but Inky is gone. The League of the Burning Eye are demanding to come in and look at the museum. Edruch explains that he can stall the group and he pushes for us to leave. Edruch explains that he won’t be safe, but he needs us to be safe. We decide we will hide. Rohan recommends giving Arythas the hat of disguise so that he can look like and pretend to be an Orc. Dia and Rohan hide in the rafters, and Iskra and his wolf prestidigitation a blanket to look like a pile of clothes and hide in plainer sight.
Edruch opens the door and the four thugs we scared off walk in. The leader has a lot of Gruumsh imagery on him. Gruumsh followers are often rowdy but not necessarily this violent — these guys are the ones that read the books on how to follow this deity and said “oh yeah sure” and are that kind of d&d player. The leader makes fun of Edruch and Edruch just kinda takes it. The leader tells his boys to go destroy something. The leader says that the regime is about to change and he should be on this guy’s good side rather than trying to cater to non-Orcs. The leader says that he will take lead, tame this land, and make the others pay.
He finally notices Arythas disguised as an orc and approaches, asking whether he would join up or not. Orcythas explains that he will consider it when his contract with Edruch is up, and that leader seems pleased with that, calling it honorable behavior. Dia can tell that the leader is quite intimidated by Orcythas and doesn’t want to fight at all. Arythas recalls he was decked out in magical gear, up to and including a belt of giant strength — they were all connected to Gruumsh. Arythas explains this to the group.
We discuss what to do and Arythas agrees we should make sure Lufir is okay and then he would prefer not to linger. Rohan half wants to check out the Burning Axe - which is where the fascists are from - and Arythas asks if he has an axe to grind. Everyone chuckles then realizes that Arythas just made a joke and there’s a moment of confusion, then we all refocus on what’s going on. Arythas says that he feels we should not linger here for long once we ensure Lufir is fine.
Dia wakes Lufir up with some smelling salts and then we explain everything that happened and how he’s an orc now. Lufir is incredibly excited and wants to go run around and be excited in his new body. Dia gives all of her doctor’s orders to the now 7’ tall Orcish Lufir and orders him to eat, sleep, rest for a few days, then go rampage and enjoy his new body. He confirms that he does not have to travel much further and his work can start soon. He would appreciate if we could stay a little longer with him but he knows not to monopolize our time. Dia recommend to reach out to the Blood Soaked Banner if he wants to get ahold of us, and he realizes the Blood Soaked Banner would be an excellent ally in the coming days. He changes his name to Luufer.
Iskra tries to replicate Phoebe’s stew for Luufer. He does an amazing job and makes it perfectly. Dia writes out a couple versions of the recipe complete with substitution guide in common for both Iskra and Luufer.
Iskra spends time thinking about Dia’s situation with the false husband and her brother. He reflects upon this and realizes that things are familiar because it’s in the orbit of Tristan, even if it’s not actually Tristan himself. Iskra recalls that some people infected with lycanthropy are done at their request rather than against their will, so he does have servants. If Dia’s husband isn’t Tristan’s right hand man (the public face) then he’s pretty fucking close to that role.
Iskra asks if Dia is done eating, and she says yes. He thinks he’s got something important to say and Iskra says we can get the others if she wants, but it’s about her. Dia calls Rohan and Arythas in and Iskra explains he was thinking of Anya and Dia’s “husband”. He explains that he thinks that Anya is in bigger trouble than we originally thought. Iskra explains he might be Tristan’s helper or minion or something to that effect. Iskra muddles a little bit explaining this and Dia asks if the husband is some sort of werewolf and Iskra confirms that yes, he might be some sort of shapeshifter creature, and he might be under Tristan’s influence. Iskra wasn’t expecting to be tied together with Dia in this way but it is what it is.
Dia isn’t sure we can take something like that on right now and Iskra agrees. Iskra wonders if Tristan knows about the undead. Dia says it brings up another fear: wanting someone holy, which he doesn’t have with Anya, it won’t be long until he realizes this (if he hasn’t already). If Anya hasn’t escaped, well, that’s no good. She asks how we know her family is hunting her and she explains that he might also send out a search party for her and she doubts it’ll be just random bounty hunters.
Iskra explains that Tristan makes people worse, and he keeps with a bad crowd. This makes Dia really nervous moving forward. She asks if she should travel alone, and Iskra and Arythas say nonsense.
Rohan asks Dia for the hat of disguise. She starts to ask questions and he explains he’s going to go out regardless so the hat just makes things safer, and that nobody should be pissed until after we’ve left, hopefully. Dia relents and Rohan puts the hat on and then disguises himself as an orc. He heads out to the Burning Axe to begin causing trouble.
The leader of the Burning Eye is there trying to pick fights with taller orcs. He’s kind of trying to find a bodyguard, it seems like. Rorchan bumps into the commander and the man is about to ignore him, but Rorchan speaks up and asks if he’s the commander. The commander says of course, and then asks if he’s new, and Rorchan says the commander was who he needed to check in. The commander pulls Rorchan in under his arm and decides to drink with Rorchan and asks what they say about him outside of Usval.
Leader: Kzadi
Rorchan grabs his wrist and explains there’s issues going on that they need to discuss in private. Rorchan manages to pocket a ring, and then they go somewhere private and Rorchan explains that he’s heard rumor that Kzadi managed to amass an army and came up almost over night. Rorchan asks if there’s a power behind Kzadi, and he says yes, of course, Gruumsh — which he personally believes as he says it. Rorchan explains he so badly wants to believe it but wants proof.
Kzadi goes out to the main room and yells for everyone and asks for proof that Gruumsh is backing him. He says he needs everyone to join him in joyous ritual. Kzadi takes out a knife and slashes himself in the way he’s not supposed to do that and everyone in his entourage is chanting Gruumsh as his blood falls into the ground and then coalesces together and catches into black flame and then coalesces into a face, which declares he’s Gruumsh, and demands who is summoning him. Rorchan realizes this is a demon pretending to be Gruumsh. This demon is not at all related to Taraaq.
Rorchan reaches out to steal the belt off of hill strength and somehow fucking manages to succeed it. He bumps into some people on the way out but keeps running on his way out. He runs all the way to the museum and slams the door closed behind him, breathing heavily. He hadn’t removed the hat until he pressed his back up against the door and slides down to the floor, taking the hat off.
Rohan is saying incomprehensibly that it’s a demon, not a god, a demon, as Dia comes over and Arythas rushes in with his weapon asking what the fuck is going on. Rohan explains that he wanted to steal the belt (which he got) and a ring, for Luufer, and then he goes through all the semantics. Rohan explained that he asked for proof of Gruumsh and it wasn’t Gruumsh but a demon. Dia goes to get Luufer and Edruch so that we can include them on the conversation.
Rohan gives the belt of giant strength to Luufer, but keeps the ring.
We have a freak out because Rohan absolutely ran back here and we worry about how we can cover for a strange orc showing up. We create a very flimsy reassurance that even if we have to hide again they can’t trace it back to Rohan. Luufer, in the interim, tears the belt in half with his bare hands and he is glad that Kzadi doesn’t actually have the belt anymore, even if he’s not going to gain any benefit from it.
Iskra uses detect magic and can tell that the items are definitely demonic, they’re a different demon than Taraaq or what Taraaq is associated with. He gains a lot of “raw data” of it and fire is a huge connection to this demon — a huge fire theme.
Arythas and Taraaq realize the Lord of The Flowing Flame: Alzrius. His physical form is often a large pillar of flame and so when his armies fight they carry pieces of him in the fires they wield. His entire thing is fire and destruction.
Rohan Jagger Corval :Y
Dia looks to Luufer and asks what his opinion is regarding the demon, as she wants to leave to take care of her brother but she’s scared to leave because of the demon. Luufer explains that ultimately this is an Orc problem, but he would like our help with sending the Bloodsoaked Banner his way once we meet them. He does explain that we can always return after the pressing matter with Dia’s brother.
Dia recommends we send the genie to her brother, find a chapter of the Bloodsoaked Banner and send them here, then we head up north.
We prepare for the ritual to get the genie summoned and decide to do it in the basement so that we don’t draw attention to the ritual. Everything is set up and Dia steps into the circle and starts to cast. We channel and the genie starts to appear.
Dia introduces herself as Dia of the Pelorian temple and she has a favor to ask. She has a brother to ask a favor for. The marid explains this is highly unorthodox, but her work is quite stable. He asks for information on her brother and she explains he’s imprisoned in the north and that he’s been cast out by family except for her and one other. She explains she needs him to survive and he cannot do this alone. She will not ask for power on his behalf but she asks that he give her brother the opportunity to make a deal on his own. The genie thinks about this for a moment and then explains that Bertram has already signed a contract with a being outside of his jurisdiction.
The genie explains that he was summoned and she has been polite, and so he will grant her the boon to allow her to speak with the being Bertram’s signed with. He will not forget her, and will recall her in the future. He turns to Rohan and explains he smells something deep inside of Rohan on another plane: the stolen prince. He says that with those around him that will be worth a gossip or two. The genie explains it may take a moment to summon the being but she should not leave the circle if she wishes to talk to it. She bows deeply and is appreciative and the genie likes this.
Dia has a moment and is very nervous about this and is concerned that he’s made a bad deal and whatever is coming has fucked things out of whack.
Rohan and Arythas hear a giggle asking who we’re looking for, and Dia sees Frosty Princess Glaciebella through the portal of snow. We are delighted to see her and Dia is surprised, confirming that she is the one that made a deal with Bertram. She explains that he was sad and she wanted to help him — she made the deal two days ago. Iskra asks how she found him and she explains he was in the sad place and he was asking for help and so she helped and then just kinda stayed. She finds Dia’s brother pretty nice, actually. Dia laughs nervously and is glad that he’s still alive. Glaciebella explains that he’s still in the sad place and Dia asks where, and Glaciebella points. She confirms it’s in the mountains.
Glaciebella is here because the genie asked but she typically doesn’t leave his side because it’s important. She says that we helped her and now she wants to help people, and Bertram also wants to help people. Dia asks for Glaciebella to tell Bertram that she will be a little delayed but we are on the way: there are dangerous things happening and we need to see things through as best as we can, and then we’ll come for him. Glaciebella agrees. Dia wants to tell her a secret: Bertram’s really good at braiding hair, and Glaciebella’s eyes dilate like a cat. Dia digs through her bag and takes out some clearly Dia’s and gives them to Glaciebella, explaining she can ask Bertram to braid her hair with it, or whatever. Glaciebella explains she will keep Bertram safe until we can get there.
Iskra asks how her uncle is and Glaciebella explains he’s fine but he’s on another continent now doing his own thing. She says he’s less nice and Dia says that he cares very much about her (and she does him).
Glaciebella explains she has to go now. Dia says goodbye and rubs off the chalk line to break the spell so that the spell ends. Glaciebella skips off into the snow that was beneath her in the floor, and it gently explodes playfully covering all of us.
Rohan is glad to hear of at least some good news today and we all wipe the snow off of ourselves. Dia is standing and staring off into space. Rohan suggests we get rest and Dia explains that she’s alright. Rohan goes over and hugs her, explaining that everything will be okay for now.
We head off to bed. We take watches but, in the words of Alan, it does not help.
Rohan does not wake up in the middle of the night. He does not know what happened but there is this feeling of being thrown against a wall with force and that is what wakes Rohan up. He hears a sound in his head like something exploded and he has tinnitus in his ears. He understands his hands are bound behind his back and he looks just next to him is Pratima and she looks and says she didn’t know, she didn’t bring them here, she’s sorry, she’s so sorry, and she keeps going on like that.
Tiefling men are over Rohan and they don’t say anything, just one of them holds a crystal ball in his hand and takes a cloth out and, from within the ball, there is a woman’s voice:
Ah, it’s so good that you’ve been found, I’m so glad. Don’t worry, you’re fine now. Mama’s gonna make it all better.
Notes: Rohan never did tell us about the lost prince thing.