Session Date: 4/13/2023

Garf, Net, and Omen are in a skill-check based boss fight. They need 3 successes before three failures.

Net opens the carryall and Bruce’s head is inside. Net throws up in his mouth and quickly closes the bag, denying that he knew this man. The boss seems to accept this, and Net wipes the makeup off of his neck to reveal his gang tattoos. He tries to play off being a ganger, with Omen kicking Net in the shins so that Garf can do damage Control. Net’s acting doesn’t work and the boss asks what their actual business is here, because they are definitely in over their heads.

Net points to Garf for an explanation, and Omen wastes some timeby playing charades to get the cuffs off, which the boss obliges. The boss looks to everyone and explains he just wants to confirm the story and what they want because he doesn’t want anyone to pull a fast noe. Net approaches and explains that they are planning a corporate takeover of Merril, Asukaga, & Finch and they heard that this shipment is very important.

The boss confirms and he explains he doesn’t like playing the other corps dirty: he likes to do his job and he does it very well. The group won’t get the shipment, but they may get out of this yet. He asks if any management is helping and who they hope to fuck over with this, and who pissed them off.

Company: Omnitech Industries - a cyberware manufacturer & does research and development

There are rumors in Heywood where they operate from that they are using people unwillingly for testing (scavs) and MA&F will get people inside to see if shady shit is happening.

Net uses the rumor about Omnitech INdustries to explain that it is the reason they are here. The boss sure doesn’t buy it, getting into Net’s face and saying he appreciates what they are doing but the name of a company is not the name of a person to pin things on. The man says that Net is the only one trying to get out of here and so Net seems to be the only one who is scared of being locked up. While he’s in Net’s face, Net notices the boss has some gang tattoos himself from 6th Street.

Garf finally looks up and tries to pretend to be all broken up about everything. She gives her mom up: Skyler Rose. Garf explains she’s from Biotechnica and she’s Skyler’s kid. The boss asks what her role is or if she was hoping throwing Skyler under the bus would work to get them out of here. Garf says she threw Skyler under the bus for security, collateral. The boss says he will let them out if they give him their names and they never turn up again.

Names given:

  • Omen → Jason Jodes
  • Net → Javier Osario-Guitierrez
  • Garf → Luna Rose

The boss lets them walk out. They all leave, hopping in the van and Omen drives them away.

Omen asks where Snowball is (one block away) and drives to meet her. On the way there, Garf notes a glint of light at a tower and hears a sound of something hitting the van. Garf tells Omen that the van has been hit with something, and she explains she thinks it’s a tracker. They stop in an alley and look at a van, and sure enough there’s a tracker on the side. Net offers his jacket and $30 for a homless guy to grab the tracker and start running. With that taken care of, they continue on to Snowball.

Garf calls Cipher and asks him to meet them at an address. Torrent is called next, with Garf begging her to show up, but Torrent isn’t really interested. Garf explains they want to steal the sets and Torrent isn’t very convinced. There’s a lot of back and forth.

After Torrent hangs up the phone, Juice calls her and asks her to come to the safehouse. She can feel the tension in the safehouse as she heads to the office. Alice is on the couch, Charley at the kitchen table, and the garage is blaring music while Ri heads to the kitchen. Nobody is paying attention to her and doing their own thing.

Ogre is outside of the door to Juice’s office, and he lets her inside. Juice greets her and asks Ogre to get Emerick. He joins them in the office and Ogre closes and locks the door behind them.

Juice expects everyone to work together moving forward. There is not going to be any more splitting the party. Juice takes some time to explain what happened with the group to Torrent: this includes the surprise shipment, how the group wanted to get it to curry more favor, what happened to Bruce. He’s not pleased, but he understands.

He explains that Emerick is receiving the same treatment as Torrent. Juice then continues to explain that he is creating a punishment for the rest of the group, especially Cipher. He explains that the band cannot be touched nor can they be distracted from their job. Torrent gives over the location of where the group is going to meet up. Juice continues: he wants Emerick to watch the party with Torrent later tonight. For now, though, Torrent and Ogre are going with Juice to the group. Each of the party are going to be dosed with blue glass.

Juice makes it very clear that he will not help with the addiction. He pays Torrent and Emerick cash - $500 each - and will pay us more later. He dismisses them.

Emerick, however, hangs back. He accepts the job that Juice offered him, and explains he wants subdermal armor and a trauma response nanomatrix. Juice asks Emerick to see him after this job and they well get it sorted out. He leaves.

Torrent had left and went down to hug Charley while the rest of the band does their own thing.

Net and Cipher argue, fighting about how much they love each other.

The group makes it to the meetup point. It’s a warehouse with an AV-4 in it, and Snowball approaches Garf and asks what is going on. Garf gives a very quick explanation, ultimately saying that they need some equipment from a convoy and there was a shipment of people. Net explains how he fucked up and caused the mission to fail, and Garf cuts back in to explain the security around the two convoys. She also adds that the convoys are Thursday (tomorrow) and Friday.

There’s some back and forth, and they ultimately agree to make an EMP of some kind. There isn’t much where they are, but they start looking around. It isn’t very long before they hear the band van pull into the building, and they can see Ogre driving. Torrent, Charley, Ogre, and Juice step out of the van and Juice very clearly is not glad to be here.