General Information

Full Name: Faylen Ianthe

Birthday: Calistril 14th (Feb 14th, Valentine’s Day)

Ancestry: Elf

Heritage: Changeling

Age: 23

Background: Student of Magic

You are currently enrolled at a school of magic, where you’re learning the fundamentals of your magical tradition. Whether your adventuring occurs during breaks between semesters, as part of a work study program, or even within the halls of the academy itself, you’ll have to learn to juggle your dual life. Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Wisdom, and one is a free attribute boost. You’re trained in your choice of Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion, and the Academia Lore skill. You gain the Recognize Spell skill feat.

Recognize Spell:

If you are trained in the appropriate skill for the spell’s tradition and it’s a common spell of 2nd level or lower, you automatically identify it (you still roll to attempt to get a critical success, but can’t get a worse result than success). The highest level of spell you automatically identify increases to 4 if you’re an expert, 6 if you’re a master, and 10 if you’re legendary. The GM rolls a secret Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion check, whichever corresponds to the tradition of the spell being cast. If you’re not trained in the skill, you can’t get a result better than failure. Critical Success You correctly recognize the spell and gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your saving throw or your AC against it. Success You correctly recognize the spell. Failure You fail to recognize the spell. Critical Failure You misidentify the spell as another spell entirely, of the GM’s choice.


Height: 6’3”

Hair Color: Raven black

Hair Style: Top’s combed over, sides shaved

Skin Color: Very pale

Build: Muscular but in the way he hasn’t been to the gym in a while

His fingernails are blackening and growing sharper, and his fingertips are blackening as well - this will travel up to his elbows over time. The tips of his ears are also turning black, though this won’t really spread. His left eye is a golden yellow color that almost glows in low light, his right eye is a stormy grey.

Art by Amelia!

Class Information

Magus is a spellsword style class where you push spells into your weapon and create a spellstrike that combines the weapon and the magic woven in. Faylen focused more on the magic side of things, while his sister focused more on the melee side of things.



A young man who is foolish to the ways of the real world. He’s very bright, generally optimistic, and prone to pouting when he doesn’t get his way. While not necessarily opposed to breaking the law, he definitely has never done anything worse than cheating on a test or stealing something of negligible value.


  • Very intelligent and generally competent
  • Open to people that may be otherwise frowned upon (goblins, changelings, etc)


  • Very naive to how the world actually works
  • Willing to trust people in authority bc they’re in a place of authority


Grew up in a family that loved him very much and was otherwise a very stable childhood. From a lower level of nobility, Faylen has never once wanted for anything in his life. He was attending university with his sister to become a magus but took a sabbatical as it became apparent that he somehow had changeling heritage in him, deciding to visit Brex Grana to see what is going on in that area of the world given the politics surrounding the changeling Prince and the line of succession.