Session Date: 07/19/2024

In Game Date: August 26th, 2045 → August 28th, 2045

Previous Session: Last session, Emerick had talked to Phoenix about what had happened with Charley and what’s going on with Juice. Net told Trash Tablet what he’s been going through with the group and the boss - what’s important, at least. Omen reached out to Serpent, the fixer from Session 001, and he requested a favor to clear out some gang members from a specific area. Omen got ahold of Garf and the two were working on checking out the site and seeing what’s going on. Omen attacked one guy and started combat with the gangers.

Saturday, August 26th, 2045

Omen & Garf

Combat begins. Omen manages to cut the hand off of one of the gangers that was waiting for them to enter, and then demands to talk to their boss. One guy begins to retreat rapidly while another is so unimpressed by Omen that he starts to pull a pistol out. Garf immediately blows his head off with her shotgun, and the guy without a hand is sitting on the floor holding his arm. Two more run out and see the massacre, asking what they want. Omen tells them to leave, and the gangers absolutely listen and clear out, meaning Omen can report a success to Serpent.

Garf yells at Omen for trying to pick up more strays (the no-hand guy) and they take some time to loot the guns from the dead and around the area. The two leave and Garf suggests trying to sell the guns, and selling them gives them 110 eddies - they split it for 55 eddies each. Garf then asks if the owner of the store has something with a little more kick - a bigger shotgun (she wants the Hurricane Assault Shotgun) - he doesn’t have anything like that at this time.

Omen asks Emerick to write a message for Miranda to meet him at a motel in the badlands. He specifies that Miranda should bring a second she trusts and that this might get her the promotion she wants. It will be Friday night midnight Sept 2, 2045.


Saint spends some time cleaning up his weapons and doing routine maintenance.

Emerick & Net

Emerick texts Net and asks if he can see Net and talk. Net invites Emerick over to his shop to talk, and Emerick goes. Emerick explains that he has a pill from Phoenix to give Cipher to cure his addiction to blue glass, and also asks if Net could make him the encryption equipment that Phoenix needs. Net asks Emerick to pass his thanks to Phoenix for the pill, and says he can definitely get the equipment made and to check back in a week or so. Emerick asks Net to just let him know when the equipment is ready.

After an awkward moment, Emerick admits to Net that he’d talked to Phoenix about their situation and he asked her to look into information on Juice for him. He explains that Phoenix seems to want to help them with this predicament. Net is glad to hear it, then asks if Emerick would have any issue meeting his uncle, to which Emerick says that should be fine. (It will not be fine.)

Sunday, August 27th, 2045

Emerick & Omen

Emerick wakes up and gets ready, and moves through the warehouse. Powder is just inside covered in grease, clearly having been working on the cars. Alice is in the living room watching the news: more hostile band activity with a handful of bands killed, tensions rising as things grow more intense each passing day. A few minutes go by and he hears a few sets of footsteps coming down the stairs: Ri comes through, having been making some small talk with Charley. Charley looks tired, but he looks better than he was looking yesterday and Friday. He has recovered significantly since being shot.

Charley asks if Emerick’s up to anything and Emerick admits he’s going to the public address from the NCPD. He’s interested in Ida Mueller due to another story he’s writing, but, and more interestingly, Mr. Steele will be there. Charley asks if Emerick knows who he is and Emerick assures him that he sure does, and is clearly uncomfortable. Charley asks if Emerick is afraid to go alone and - with much stuttering - he ultimately admits that he is, yes. Charley offers to go with him and Emerick tries to evade, eventually admitting (after Charley presses) that yes, he’d be more comfortable if he wasn’t alone. Charley says he will go, then.

Later, Omen texts Emerick and asks if he can go with Emerick to the public address, and Emerick admits that he’s already going with Charley. He recommends that Omen text Phoenix and check with her, and she agrees to have Omen as her plus one.

Monday, August 28th, 2045

The day of the NCPD public address.

Emerick & Omen

Omen texts Emerick and lets him know that he’s on the way with Phoenix. Emerick and Charley steps outside to wait for Omen to arrive. Emerick tentatively asks if he can speak to Charley about something, and Charley says sure, he’s listening. Emerick mentions that he’d talked to Phoenix about some of their situation and she wants to help them with this situation. Charley asks a few questions trying to probe about her and Emerick explains that while she’s definitely got a bit of a crazy side to her, his impression after working with her is that she’s a good reporter and knows what stories she wishes to tell and expects work to be done in a professional, neat way. Emerick overall likes her, and is willing to vouch for her, which seems to be enough for Charley.

Charley admits, though, that he has some concerns because he is very protective over the band and wants to make sure they’re okay. Emerick admits that he has really come to care for the band as well, and he really wants to see them get out from under this mess and somewhere they are safe (in Night City standards, anyway). Charley tells Emerick that he is an absolute angel, and that he should never change.

As their conversation wraps up, Omen’s car appears at the end of the street and parks in front of the two. They get into the car and introductions are made between Phoenix and Charley, and then we are off.

We arrive and are given back stage for Q&A. There are two people of interest: the police chief, and Ida Mueller. We arrive and show our passes to security and we are allowed to park and security says we are allowed to enjoy the concessions and then the Q&A will start soon. We enter and as we are walking around and getting settled in, we see the people who will be speaking on stage.

They walk through here and there as they get ready. Ida has an entourage with her, which makes sense given she’s a corpo, and one is a body guard. They all walk together - where she goes, they go as well. There are officers everywhere.

Mr. Steele is the last person we see - as he walks out of the back stage area, he’s walking through and he sees Charley. The moment he sees Charley, he starts walking up to us. He is 7’ tall, has four arms, and a body stat of 16 - the strongest man that we have all seen. Mr. Steele greets Charley and says that it’s been too long. Charley says he can’t say it’s been a pleasure, then asks how Steele’s doing, shaking the man’s hand. Steele asks what brings him here, and Charley explains that we’re here for the address, and that he’s here with a couple media. Steele gives Emerick dagger eyes and asks who he is, and that Emerick must know who he is, but he doesn’t know who Emerick is - he must have made a splash for Charley and Phoenix to know him. Emerick stammers that he’s done a few jobs with Charley, and he did a job with Phoenix to help her with a story, and then he keeps stammer. Steele is amused by how Emerick is acting, commenting he’s always amused to people who meet him the first time, and he introduces himself and says he’s a fixer and if Emerick ever needs any work to let him know. Emerick nods in response.

We are ushered to our seats and the announcer begins saying that precinct 27 is going through some exciting changes to create a safer environment for all. Audun Bredall is introduced and comes out on stage: he’s not that intimidation (granted we just met Steele) and he speaks. He says that they are working on tackling an issue that has caused a lot of issues for everyone: cyberpsychosis. He explains that they’re working with savants in the field and that heading this venture is Mr. Steele, an expert in this.