Session Date: 9/18/2023
I missed session 11. Faylen was kidnapped during that session.
In Faylen’s perspective, Tabby was possessed by the akizendri. He blinks and is suddenly in a completely different place. Reality shifted around him and he’s gone from the library, though he himself feels nothing. He’s in a world of shadows and a large shadow dragon looks down at hime and says that they need to talk. He takes a few steps back in fear and puts his hand on his weapon, making the dragon laugh. The shadows reverberate with its laughter as well. It says good, Faylen seems to be a bit spirited: that’s new. Usually he just gets awe and fear.
The rest of the group is doing their own thing. The dragon caught Faylen because he will likely understand things the most. The group has taken something from him, his rite: all of the hobgoblins that we saved. The dragon does not like this. Faylen says he can’t just take the hobgoblins, they aren’t his, and he replies that he is powerful and can do whatever he wants, which Faylen also protests to. The dragon laughs again, amused. He says he’s in the market to find a new jester for his court, to which Faylen grows somehow more pale and looks very indignant. The dragon laughs, his tail thumping on the floor like a dog. Faylen gets the impression that where he is might be some in-between plane, and that he’s not in any immediate danger from the dragon.
The dragon says he will get his at some point, all of the hobgoblins will be his, eventually, some way or another. Us not letting him die put him in mind to go to the source and not the dredges of the bloodline. The dragon knows we’re traveling with pieces of the seal of infinity and Faylen definitely denies this, though the dragon knows better. The dragon says we are not the only one struggling with the pieces and there are still some pieces still uncovered, some still in the hands of singular people, and there is somebody collecting them. The dragon is telling me this bc he doesn’t want people outside of his sphere of influence bc he doesn’t want people muscling into his turf. He wants me to work with my friends to get the pieces and maybe he won’t take them from us.
Kaymanth the Shadow says that he “remembers who has done what to him. Off you pop.”
He uses a claw to flick Faylen and he feels like he’s falling through space, and maybe even between planes. He ends up right next to the rest of the group right before the House of Shadow Hanson, with the akizendri ready to pounce.
Everyone sees him stumble through space and teleport into the place that they are. For them it’s been several hours, and for him it’s been 10-15 minutes. Faylen stumbles forward a few steps then straightens up as if he landed gracefully and totally meant to do everything. Bosch mentions a shadowy plane and Faylen says yes, a shadow demi-plane or something. Bosch doesn’t quite understand all of those words but we all agree to discuss it later as the akizendri is here and we need to take care of it.
Combat starts. Faylen gets the kill with produce flame on the him and combat ends. We’re all glad this guy is gone. Sheryl Hanson comes out and pulls us all back inside for tea and snacks and to catch each other up.Â
Ambrose Pierpoint is a jerk. He summoned the akizendri — Mary clarifies that a wizard who found the shard who used Ambrose to summon the akizendri and sent the akizendri after Sheryl. We are looking for the wizard with the shard, who is here in town somewhere. The shard was involved with Ambrose somehow but the man wasn’t competent enough to actually use it, but he was used to use it. The axiomite Empty Set 4-2-1 is still wandering the town, searching for the akizendri. Bosch clarifies that he assigned the axiomite to try to find the wizard with the Seal of Infinity fragment for us.Â
We sit around having tea and snacks and resting. The axiomite finds us and he explains he hasn’t found the wizard. He knows that something came here and summoned the creature that he knows now is gone. He thanks us for doing so, and then explains he is going to be leaving now and he is grateful for our assistance. He does say he will credit us for our help as asking for help is part of his training. He does know that what is going on here is also happening in Brex Grana. He doesn’t know that the thing that summoned the creature is in Brex Grana, but this other seal of infinity fragment might end up there.
We let them know that things are safe to let people in the city and Sheryl offers to buy us all tickets to Brex Grana on the train so that we don’t have to hoof it. We thank her very graciously. The next train will be here in a few days because of how expensive the rail is to maintain and run.