Session Date: 01/26/2025

Lycanthropes in the Flesh Market

Dinadan was in Iskra’s face and Arythas steps forward to put a hand on the man’s chest and try to push him back. Arythas fails to push him back and Dinadan chuckles and asks who this is, and asks Iskra if he has made some new friends.

Rohan has made it from the basement and is noticing what’s going on.

Iskra turns and immediately bolts away, with Dia following close on his heels. She isn’t as fast as him, but does her best to follow him.

Arythas steps between Dinadan and the door, and Inky stands next to him. Rohan asks what business the man has with our friend, and he explains that he has none. Rohan comments that it’s weird that he shows up, and Dinadan explains that he just caught a scent and followed it here. He comments that people don’t leave without consequences, and consequences are coming (yes, it’s a threat). It’s likely that it won’t be Dinadan that delivers such consequences, but he is going to be off to send some messages to some people.

Arythas steps aside and lets him leave, giving him an intimidating glare with a huff, and the man shies away and scoffs, commenting that it’s unusual that Iskra’s made friends, and then leaves.


Iskra finally stops running and finds himself in an alleyway. As he stands there he hears a regular sound on the pavement as if someone is maybe using a cane, and Iskra can see a figure wearing a very nice cloak made from a deep, dark, red material. Iskra realizes that if the person were to stand up straight, they’d be as tall as Arythas. The staff is being used to help him walk as he’s hunched over.

The voice calls out asking who’s there, and asks if Iskra plans to attack an old man. Iskra comments they’re not supposed to fight there. The man approaches and Iskra can tell he’s a bird-like person. The old man comments on the wolf spirit as a seeing eye wolf, and asks if Iskra is blind, or if he likes having the advantage. Iskra eventually admits he can’t see much, and the vulture-folk admits he also cannot see well, as his eyes are covered in cataracts. His staff has human eyes and it’s apparent that he can see through it.

The old vulture comments that harengon are rather rare out here, and Iskra agrees he hasn’t ran into many. The vulture reaches out to shake Iskra’s hand and introduces himself as Atratus the Bitter, as they don’t like him because they don’t like what happens when they call him Atratus the Blind. Iskra shakes his hand and comments that Atratus likely shouldn’t be an acquaintance of his, as he’s not safe. Atratus laughs and comments that he likes Iskra.

The vulture laughs and says that Iskra will do nicely, then comments that Iskra seems to be able to take care of himself: he was able to make it to The Undermarket, he hasn’t had anyone lay a finger on him. The vulture comments there’s a way to intimidate or kill someone without leaving a trace, the wraiths would never know. The vulture asks if he’s looking for work, and Iskra comments he’s already on a job, then asks if the vulture is needing help. The vulture confirms, playing up him being old as if he was somehow frail or infirm. He glances at the staff and Iskra could swear that the staff groans.

The old man says that he could use help, and Iskra could use friends in The Undermarket. He doesn’t have to agree now, but if Iskra is willing to do a good job with good pay, the vulture can be found around here. Iskra comments he doesn’t care about money, and the vulture says that he can pay in other ways: knowledge, a favor owed, etc.

The vulture says to ask about him in The Rotten King Tavern if Iskra needs to find him.

Iskra sits down and smokes some weed and recalls a memory: he recalls a memory about Tristan with a wizard and a wish spell. He had contracted lycanthropy and had wished to be back to his true form, and it locked him into a wolf form.

Iskra and Dia

Dia finds Iskra and sits down next to him, eventually asking how he’s doing. Iskra says great, an old man just offered him a job. Dia is unsure how to take that. Iskra comments that in other circumstances, the old man might have eaten him. Iskra says that things keep happening and we (the party) shouldn’t be his acquaintances, and Dia ultimately explains that this has always been a dangerous gig: Dia’s family, Tristan, Rohan’s family.

Iskra asks if Dia knows how afraid she is of her father, and he explains that this is how afraid he is of Tristan, if not more. He also admits he’s not the only one, and that’s the worst part. Dia comments that he isn’t alone, and Iskra says that it’s worse because of that, and that we don’t deserve any of this. Dia explains that we care about him and if something happens to him, we’ll be sad, and it’s not fair for Iskra to just throw that away because he’s scared. Dia understands scared: we’re all scared of something or other, but we’re all better together.

Iskra acknowledges that he is trying to understand the way we think of him. He comments that humans tend to overcomplicate things, and he doesn’t recall things being so tough in his own community. Dia says that may be, but he’s no longer there and he’s here - we’ll do our best to get him wherever he wants to be, but complication is just how it is at this time.

He explains that he is trying his best to either not jump into the sea or completely disappear. He doesn’t know how to move through this without anyone getting hurt, and Dia explains that people might get hurt. That’s how it is. Iskra explains that it’s going to get worse, and Dia agrees. She asks what it would take to get him to stay, make it about someone else? Iskra says yes, and Dia says she will guilt him into staying: he has to stay because he promised to help Dia. He promised he would help Rohan get out of danger, so he has to stay. Iskra agrees, but won’t promise that he won’t die in the process.

The Whole Party

Rohan, Inky, and Arythas finally catch up. Inky immediately asks for a hit of da weed 420 baybee and Iskra apologizes for running off. He admits he was about to throw a fireball at him, but ended up running away instead. Rohan explains that Dinadan said he was going to send some message off and send people after him, and Iskra isn’t surprised.

Iskra explains that these are bad guys, enemies - they’re lycanthropes. Dia comments that she knows of a connection: her “husband” Lord Liyon.

Iskra explains that Tristan just wants to turn back: he made his curse worse, he can’t turn into a human anymore, he made his curse worse.

Dinadan makes himself known and asks us to continue talking, and Iskra and Dia suggest that he leave. He ultimately does, and we all regret that Ace isn’t here, as he’d be useful - that is his hunt, after all. We wonder if we can trade information.

Regarding the thuuls: Rohan isn’t confident we can sneak in and steal them. He suggests that our options are to buy them, or to let the buyer pick up and follow them out. Dia is afraid we’ll get caught, and Rohan says that both ways are dangerous. Down here, they can’t attack us, but we also can’t attack them. Iskra wonders if Inky could fill out paperwork to put them into The Library Between? It’s a possibility, Mattai would likely like something in return.

The old vulture man is also an option: we could do the job for him and see if he can get the shipment for us, and if we fail then he can sell them off to The Lady, and sell us out as well. Rohan doesn’t like it, and Dia - who suggested it - also doesn’t, but Iskra is right: we need to just talk with him. We can hear the job out and if we don’t like it, then we can turn it down.

We decide to split the party: Rohan & Dia will watch the flesh market to watch for the actual buyer, and Inky, Iskra, and Arythas will go to speak to the old vulture.

Dia and Rohan

They find a place to sit down and watch the comings and goings.

Arythas, Iskra, Inky

They find The Rotten King Tavern. It’s not a nice place, but we assume it wouldn’t be nice. Over the bar is a skeleton in a cage with a crown on its head. The crown seems to have been nailed into the head while the person was a live. The locals take notice of us immediately.

We go to the bar and Iskra gets the attention of the keep - he explains that we are looking for Atratus, and the keep explains that he’s taking lodging here and can be found upstairs. The barkeep points at Arythas and tells him not to die, because he doesn’t want to haul the body out.

Iskra leads the way up and then knocks. The doors open by themselves, and inside it’s actually rather beautiful: it’s plush, very nice, gold trimmings - it’s not tacky, but incredibly tasteful. It’s clear that Atratus knows what he likes and wants to have beautiful things. Atratus is sitting comfortably with a turban on, not nearly as spooky as he was in the alleyway. He does not have the staff, but there’s a wooden orb slowly moving in the air, with a face of abject terror and enormous eyes.

The orb moves to look at us, and Atratus greets Iskra. Inky can tell that this man is a nagpa - a cursed people that did not originally look like vultures. There are legends of them being immortal, or perhaps just unable to die naturally. They are not great people. They are not numerous. There’s debate on if they can procreate, or if they would like to.

Iskra introduces Inksnout and Arythas to the man, and Atratus offers us refreshments. Inky and Iskra partake in the shisha while Arythas simply has tea. Atratus recommends that we be honest, as it’ll make things easier.

Iskra asks if Atratus is aware of a shipment of people to the flesh market, and he asks for more information as there’s so many. Arythas gives more specifics, and Atratus admits he hasn’t heard much. Iskra does admit that this is a special shipment that doesn’t mean much for normal people.

Atratus drones on about how people try to lie and cheat him and how they typically meet an unfortunate end. He makes a gesture and from the wardrobe comes a staff (different than before).

Atratus offers to pick up the shipment for us. The job is to bring back a man that is walled off in the undermarket, as he’s backed out on a deal. The wardrobe starts to shake and squeak and Atratus tells it to shut up. Atratus isn’t sure where he is, but he is rather dangerous, and he’d rather prefer the man be brought back alive. Bringing him back sooner is better.

Iskra agrees and shakes the talon. Magic envelopes Iskra and Atratus smiles, revealing sharp teeth.

Iskra asks Atratus if there are any additional information to know, and he gives us more details, including the fact that the man isn’t in the undermarket and is open game for violence. Atratus asks us to try very hard to bring the man back alive, but if we are speedy and he is dead then he can work with that as well.

Atratus gives us some insight into himself: he used to have a rather large castle with towers so tall he couldn’t see the top. The castle was on a large hill. He was forced out due to a righteous mob, and he admits he did some awful things and is not a nice guy.

Atratus reassures us not to worry about the sale of the thuuls as it cannot go through until he gives approval, which he will not do until he knows the results of the job he’s set us out on.