True Name: Kroil’vend

Warden: General Chase → revealed to be the Mad Mage in disguise

Located near Ormarsa.

Previously a fort, this is now a prison in the far north country. It is incredibly bitter and harsh and uses prisoners essentially as free slave labor. People who end up in Cruelwind often were arrested falsely, and even those that were not do not necessarily deserve to exist in this place. The prison is also known to keep citizens of other countries, which is incredibly illegal, but still happens.

The prison is at over capacity so there is not enough room for people to sleep out of the elements, food can be rough, and people either live or they do not. If they die then it is not any large loss.

It turns out that beneath the prison was a lab to create creatures called Thuls - hybrid abominations that were created in such a way as to follow orders. Because of Major we realized they had the capacity to learn and develop awareness, so we determined they were people. Additionally, General Chase had been killed and replaced by the Mad Mage herself.

With the help of Bertram we staged a prison break and cleaned house: killing the mad mage’s current incarnation (hopefully for good) and letting the prisoners out. Bertram tasked himself with wrangling the wrongdoers that actually should be in prison, while we chose to pursue finding where the Thuls were moved in order to rescue them and keep them out of the hands of wrongdoers.