Session Date: 7/13/2023

Omen requests information from Emerick → library search 30

  • There was a van chase with Girish
  • Cousin heard about this and is concerned about this because the NCPD doesn’t go here
  • The partner is dead because of this
    • The purpose is that there was a van chase that recently the precincts are using to try to expand outward and broaden their sphere of influence because they are tired of the badlands being a get out of jail free card for people.
    • There have been rumblings of grants for more funding to reinforce the badlands patrols and if all goes well there will be a badlands division.

Garf is currently glassed out and her dragon gets fucked over. She decides to unsafely jack out and she loses her worm and dragon both. Phoenix asks what is going on and Garf tries to say that she is okay and Phoenix demands to know what the hell is wrong. Garf explains that she’s tripping out and Phoenix tells her that they need to fix whatever the fuck is going on. The two quickly leave and get into the car to see Katchya for treatment.

Torrent explains what happened and Phoenix admits to Garf that she doesn’t like putting this kind of money into strangers and asks for reassurance that the job will get done. Garf reassures her. Phoenix says that we need to get her treated once the job is over, but for now Garf needs to dose blue glass until then so that nothing sneaks up on her again.

They make it to Katchya’s and Torrent falls face first into an amazingly comfortable couch.

Phoenix asks Garf if she should find a new netrunner or if Garf will take care of the problem. Phoenix won’t go anywhere near Juice. She takes Garf back to her safehouse where Omen and Net are finishing cleaning up the van and readying painting it.

Omen asks if the recon was successful and Phoenix says no, then explains she heard of the problem that happened two weeks ago. Net and Garf start arguing and Phoenix tells them to get fucking straight right now and get clean. Phoenix explains that you have to keep taking Blue Glass to stop the effects.

She points to Omen and asks if he’s clean, he says he’ll manage.

Phoenix kicks them all out and tells Net and Omen to finish the van elsewhere, and to let her know when that’s done.

Emerick and Seo are being very gay now that they are done with Emerick’s forging part.

Eventually, Powder hollers for Seo and they get up and leave Seo’s room to go to the living area. Powder says Juice wants everyone ready for rehearsal and they want to practice in a few hours. Seo’s schedule is clear and ready. Ri comments that it’s been a while and they start to all reminisce. Alice gets up and leaves out the front door without any comment.

Emerick can hear several sets of footsteps:

  • Charley joins the band in talking. It becomes very clear that he likes to drink a LOT and before shows he is absolutely hammered. They have had to end shows early because he’s too drunk to actually sing.
  • Ogre and Juice walk past everyone. Juice has errands to run and expects them to rehearse once he is back. He addresses Emerick and asks if Emerick would be willing to be press for the show, and Emerick says yes, of course, so Juice will get Emerick a pass.

After Juice leaves, Emerick goes track down where Alice is. She is out sitting on the front porch. Emerick asks what’s wrong and she says he wouldn’t understand. He sits down next to her and tells her that he might, and to give him a chance. She explains that ever since the party showed up, she no longer gets any attention, and she doesn’t feel welcome anymore.

Emerick confides that he has never felt welcome in his home, then apologizes that she is feeling that way as that was nobody’s intent.

Alice continues speaking, and explains what happened with Cipher, and that it was the only time that she has ever actually felt scared. Emerick apologizes again, saying that she shouldn’t have to deal with that, and Cipher was definitely in the wrong regardless of the context. Alice wonders what it says about her that she was scared, and Emerick explains that some people who are scared act out with violence because they feel cornered, though Emerick admits he doesn’t know everything that happened in that situation, nor does he know Cipher & Net’s history.

Emerick then goes on to say that the group is getting so much attention only because it is new and shiny, and that the fascination won’t last forever. He again apologizes that she has been made to feel so alone and he says that she isn’t, and that he is always happy to listen and/or talk to her. He also offers that if there is anything he can do to help, she just needs to ask. She says she likely won’t ask him for anything except for conversation from time to time, which he would gladly give. He tells her that his Agent is also always open for texts and calls if she would like.

At some point as well, Emerick does mention that the group works for the band. Alice scoffs and says that we all work for Juice, actually. She says she has no drive to know what happened after Cipher, but nobody tells her anything and she’s always told that things will be okay. She acknowledges that the drugs and booze are kept plentiful to keep them quiet and complacent.

(We establish that everyone in the band has Emerick’s number after this in case they needed to get ahold of him.)

Alice goes inside and Emerick gets a text from Phoenix asking if Emerick is clean, with clarification about the blue glass. He says yes, and she requests he make sure the others keep their shit together for this job. Emerick agrees to do his best to do so.

He then sees Garf drive up on her bike and park. He approaches her and asks how she is, how the recon went. She stutters quite a bit and Emerick asks her again how she is, and she responds that she is doing very bad. When he asks what’s wrong, she shows him her burnt cyberdeck and destroyed programs. One is just a worm, but the other is a dragon labelled Odie. She explains that the programs were from her dad. This gets awkward, but Emerick gives a very sympathetic and sincere apology, who isn’t sure what to say.

Garf says not to worry about it, and then explains that she glassed out and was going to buy some blue glass to get through this job. Emerick explains that Juice is out for a few hours, but there may be something in the safehouse stash, so that might be worth checking out. Garf asks why Emerick didn’t pick up the phone after the botched gig, and Emerick admits (clearly ashamed) that he was asleep. Garf accepts this and then Emerick offers to hold her shotgun while she goes in. She gets defensive and Emerick reassures that she doesn’t have to give it up if she doesn’t want. She does give it over, then goes inside. She finds one dose of blue glass and takes it.

While Garf is inside, Net pulls up in a combat cab. He steps out and has markedly less rizz than normal, looking empty instead. Net gives Emerick a flat one-word greeting and Em says hi back, then asks what’s wrong, commenting that Net is low energy. Net gets defensive and Emerick reassures that it’s okay, then explains that Garf is inside looking for blue glass to manage her symptoms.

Garf comes out and Net asks her why Emerick is holding her shotgun. They start to bicker and Emerick steps in to say that she just asked him to hold it for her. Net asks her why that was so hard to say, and starts laying into her. Net then asks Garf if she found the blue glass and she shows him, and he calls her a “fucking junkie,” then explains he is going to go inside and doesn’t want to be fucking bothered. Garf and Emerick can tell that Net has had a bad day and hasn’t had a cigarette for some time.

Garf asks if Net has had a bad day and he yells at her. Garf starts to explain that Net can’t take his bad day out on them, and that she’s also had a bad day. Net interrupts her to explain that he doesn’t care. The two start to go at each other’s throats, escalating as Emerick shrinks and backs up.

The garage of the safehouse eventually opens to Crack Pipe and Powder. Crack Pipe demands Net go to him and Net comments he likes the energy, and does what the other man asked. Crackpipe offers Net a pack of cigarettes in exchange that he never speaks to Garf and Emerick that way again. Net gives the bullshit answer of saying he can’t promise never, but for a few weeks? Sure. He explains that as long as he gets his cigarettes and can work on the car without interruption he will be happy. Crackpipe says sure and puts the cigarette in his hand and offers a handshake. When Net shakes, Crackpipe’s grip tightens and he sucker punches Net, saying: