Session Date: 01/24/2025
Tuesday, September 19th, 2045
We fight Mr. Steele and manage to get through and kill him after a rather harrowing battle. In an involuntary final act, Mr. Steele explodes due to a failsafe in his chest. We all take that on the face and then crawl to lick our wounds. Ryne helps himself to drinks, Net starts to salvage Steele’s body, Sulfur smokes a cigar, and Saint goes around distributing medicine to make sure everyone is okay. Emerick sits and hits his vape as he tries to fix his hair and get put back together. Net comes over and pulls out a personal grooming kit to help clean Emerick and himself up.
While they clean up, Net hands Emerick an Agent, telling him that it’s Mr. Steele’s. Emerick hesitates, then thanks him and takes it. He comments about who knows what can be found on it, and Net agrees.
After we all get healed up and take a moment to rest, Emerick starts to hear something and he reflexively activates his trauma response nanomatrix. He listens more closely and realizes that he hears Trauma Team, and he realizes that there’s a TT beacon. A breath later, MaxTac sirens go off and we all realize what’s about to happen. Molly - one of the reinforcements that came to Sulfur’s call - tells Sulfur that he has to go with her. Sulfur goes and tells everyone to go to his apartment.
We all manage to get out, and Net gets on his bike and takes one and rolls out. A taxi is conveniently coming down the street, though we’d have to convince them to try to outrun MaxTac.
Regardless, session ends and we will have a police chase next session.
Net salvages —
- shoulder mount
- cyberarm with pop up shotgun, big knucks
- cyberarm with big knucks
- neuralware with sandy and reflex co-processor
Net found Mr. Steele’s Agent and gave it to Emerick.