The chromatic dragon, and the main good deity of the draconic pantheon. His main concern is justice tempered with mercy, but he also has fought against Nerull and other evil deities.

He visited Arythas in his dreams in Session 025 and advised that he keep an eye on Inky because Inky has some bad company around him. He also recommended to Arythas that too much anger can cause him to lash out and hurt those around him, and you can’t always pick your companions. He also explains that sometimes paladins smite evil, sometimes they are there to help people be their best selves. Arythas needs to search for the best in people rather than pick at the worst parts of them.

Bahamut’s Servants

Bahamut’s Forms

  • Older silver dragonborn man with canaries


  • Session 025 - to Arythas in a dream
    • Recommends keeping an eye on Inky
    • Advises he gives grace to those in the group, especially Tarraq
    • Suggests he look for and encourage the best in people and give people a chance to repent before smiting them