Session Date: 02/03/2025
The first rule about fight club…
Orvel Onions explains that his life is now ours, as we helped him and undid the curse of him being a half mummy. We have made a friend of him.
He explains the Warhawks are horrible people. In Jewel they typically meet at someone’s house because the bars generally kick him out. They have an underground fighting ring under one of the warehouses. Orvel takes us to where it was and is glad to find that they had not moved the fight ring after all. He takes us down and there are large people - half ogres - guarding the door.
The guards say that no small folk are allowed. Faylen speaks up and says not to underestimate Bosch and Tabby, that the two of them are quite tougher than they look, and the guards double down. Faylen suggests we fight and if we win we can go in, if they win then we will leave. Bosch and Tabby easily dispatch of the guards and we go in. A few more people try to say that short people aren’t allowed and Bosch quickly shows them what’s what, including the zinger that his disability is that he can’t her stupid rules.
Major Hieronymus Flint has just finished a fight and is ready to challenge another, but notices us. He is displeased to see us and is particularly upset at the fact that we are here. He asks what we want - to talk? Have we come to our senses and wish to join? We have no desire to join and Bosch is rearing up for a fight. Flint is less than pleased by that
Faylen realizes there’s a presence behind him. It turns out to be someone pretty tall - perhaps even taller than the half ogres we just fought. He looks up to see it and there’s a blue-skinned four-armed giant in a mask looking down at him. The giant is pissed about his idol being stolen. There’s some back and forth about how Faylen is a lying infidel and the group reassuring that he is not, and it turns into combat in the ring. We manage to clobber him and before we finish him off, he realizes we are “tough infidels” and makes a rather flashy exit.
We are let out of the pit and Flint wishes to talk to us now. He takes us back to another room and he asks what we want so he can give it to us and then we can leave. We essentially ask for information on where the leader of the Warhawks is, and he refuses. He explains that a high level member of the Warhawks was let out of prison (where he was inside due to unnecessary violence) and lets us know that The Osprey is hunting us. We give him less of a response than he was hoping for, and ultimately Faylen asks if we kill the Osprey if Flint will tell us where their leader is.
Flint manages to laugh for a second and says if we manage to actually kill the Osprey he will tell us everything.