Session Date: 8/3/2023
Emerick reached out to Juice for the doses of blue glass for the party. Juice responded saying that it would be ready in the morning. Emerick gets up in the morning and makes his way upstairs to Juice’s office and knock on the door and Juice shuffles some shit around then says to come in. Emerick enters and finds Juice at his desk, leafing through papers while Ogre stands off to his right. Juice tells Emerick to have a seat and Emerick listens. Juice motions with his hand, offering to sit as well as to point Ogre. As Emerick sits, Ogre shuts the office door. Juice looks at Emerick and says he knew that this would happen sooner or later, he just didn’t expect they’d send Emerick to do it for everyone.
Emerick tries to say they are probably just busy with their parts of this job, and Juice points out that everything Emerick does for them - the party just keeps giving him more, and more, and more to do, and it’s not like they’re showing Emerick any appreciation. Juice walks over and paces behind the chair Emerick sits in, saying that Emerick deserves something for his loyalty to them, but they’re not giving it to him. If they keep this up, Juice says, bossing Emerick around, treating him like he’s beneath them, then let Juice know, and he’ll make sure it’s addressed. Right now, Juice continues, everyone works for Juice, and none of us works for each other, and none of us should be treating anyone as lesser than another. Juice reaches over Emerick’s shoulder and places the bag of blue glass doses in Emerick’s lap.
Juice goes back to his desk and sits down and bids Emerick a good day. Ogre opens the door as I get up and head out.
Emerick texts the group chat to ask where everyone is. Net texts and says he will be headed to Phoenix’s safehouse.
Everyone but Cipher (who is still asleep) shows at Phoenix’s warehouse. Net and Omen are putting the finishing touches on the van while everyone else is vibing. Garf is playing with her new kraken and dragon, Torrent is going up to people asking what they’re doing very loudly, Omen is asking why the smoker (Net) is breathing in bad air. Net says that he’s probably going to die before 30 so what’s it matter. They finish the van and Net steps back and throws the cigarette down and crushes it out.
Emerick gives Omen his two doses of blue glass, Garf her one, and tries to give Net two doses. Net tries to push it back, and Emerick pushes them back toward Net and tells him to give them to Cipher, then. Net blinks at him, then backs down and puts the doses in his jacket for Cipher.
Net finds a mirror and takes the time to cover up his tattoos. Phoenix gathers us all up around the planning table and makes sure we all have our employee cards.
We review the plan:
 >Omen will be the driver. Garf will be doing all of our talking. Net offers to help, but Omen says maybe not. Garf does speak up and says that perhaps we should give Net another chance but Phoenix says we should just trust on Garf given the drug situation. Inside: we have two net runners and both of them will be critical to what is going on. There are access points throughout the entire facility for them to use for the netrun. She reminds Emerick that any and all footage he takes will be subject to a bonus. We will be going through the shipping side of Omnitech and go through this as if they are actually sending a shipment. The invoice is for a direct delivery and that Markov has to sign off on it - this shouldn’t be an issue, it’s handled all the time. We may get an escort but Phoenix isn’t concerned. When we do end up in the lab, it will be crawling with security and staff. We are going to keep our firearms to a minimum.
Omen lends Garf his SMG with one full mag. Net lends Torrent his SMG with one full mag.
Phoenix looks at us all and says that the last bit of work that we have to do is addressing the confrontation with Markov himself and if we have to dispose of any security personnel. All that Phoenix cares about is the evidence. We are expressly told not to kill Markov if we go into combat, we are to knock him out. He absolutely is not to be killed. We will exit the way we came in.
We pile into the van and make our way to Omnitech Industries. Omen is asked for delivery papers and Emerick passes them up to him. He hands the papers to Omen to give to the guard. He took one copy and they pass through. We make it to the bay and someone comments that there’s a lot of people here for the delivery. Net says that it’s important and the employee seems to have a thought, then decides to move on. The original employee comes back with a security guard, who will escort us to Markov.
We walk through the company, seeing the number of guards and everything going on. We finally make it to the cryogenic lab and see flora in containers off to the right. There are cryogenic pods for people, and plenty of security and scientist personnel in here. There is someone in the glassed office in the back.
Security explains that Markov needs to sign off on the shipment to a manager. The manager swipes a key card into the glass office and we can assume it’s Markov. They all step out and walk toward Net to sign off on the delivery. Markov asks to see the paperwork in question and Phoenix texts the group chat and says we need to get into the office to steal information right now - we need something to get us into the office. Net asks Markov if everything’s good, and Markov says yes it is looking good, nothing extraordinary. He reaches for one of his pockets and says he doesn’t have a pen - he invites us to the office.
We all enter the office as Markov pulls a pen out of his desk. He starts to sign the different lines on the form and Net signals for Torrent to start breakdancing by throwing down a phat beat. Everyone is highly distracted by Torrent’s breakdancing. Cipher and Garf split to do the net running part, and Phoenix starts to look around the office. She finds a flash drive and her face lights up: she’s found what she’s looking for, and transfers the data over, then puts it back.
Garf and Cipher head down to where the access point is. A guard stops them and asks if they need help getting somewhere. Cipher looks to Garf and Garf says they don’t need help finding where they’re headed and they just need to get there. They make it back past the security office and a guard tails them down the hallway, stopping to talk to another guard in the hall. They make it into hallway 1 and get up to a door - the guard asks what they’re doing, and they say they’re going to the lobby. A guard opens the next door as well, but it’s clear the security guards are receiving a radio communication.
They finally find a room that has no guards and just a camera. They continue on to the elevator, go upstairs to the bedroom area, and then jack in.