Session Date: 12/16/2024

The Wandering Vault (Combat)

Vault 1

This vault is filled with gold and riches.

Beitris and Faylen wound up in this vault where they were met with two clockwork handlers.

Combat begins.

Clockwork Handler

  • AC: 17
  • Notes:
    • Alarm sound - FORT save <18
    • Physical resist 2?

After the second round of combat, after the Doorwarden was taken care of, Bosch finds himself in vault 1, and finishes off the last clockwork handler.

Vault 2

An unfinished throne room. It seems as if it is being built to be put elsewhere, or - potentially - it may be built here to be made smaller to be deployed at any point.

After the first six seconds, Mary finds herself in vault 2. After the second round of combat, when the Doorwarden was taken care of, Tabby finds himself with Mary in vault 2.

Vault 3

This vault contains documents, magical artifacts, and books. Here is where we found the fragment of the Seal of Infinity, and the documents that were essentially a geas on different people.

Bosch, Mary, and Tabby remained in vault 3 where they were dealing with the Doorwarden.

Combat begins.


  • AC: <25
  • Resists physical damage

The doorwarden goes down without much issue.

The Wandering Vault (After Combat)

After combat winds down we still hear the alarms sounding as we come together in the initial chamber of Zeth Seegmiller’s vault. As the alarms blare it occurs to us we need to get the heck out of there, and we start the sprint back to the entrance. It’s clear that the magical doors to the pocket dimensions are trying to close, but something is holding them open. On the way out, Tabby notices Salaavethor smiling, tipping his hat toward us. The smile itself is not necessarily very nice, but it’s a smile all the same.

We fall out inside of the Heavyheart and Son storage room. Heavyheart himself asks if we are okay and we say we’re fine, but that we need to get out of there because we don’t want to get him caught up in our mess.

Faylen mentions to Beitris that they need to tell the parents that they may be in danger, and she mentions we may need to find a new vault provider for at least a little while. He agrees.

We all head back to the apartment to regroup and figure out what to do about Seegmiller himself.

Faylen is aware of two things:

  1. He knows that he was able to run out of The Wandering Vault in part because Sal helped - he’s not an immortal, he’s not a wizard, but something else entirely. He helped us for some reason we will likely know soon: if he’s a fey or a dragon then he may feel we are in his debt and we will owe him a favor.
  2. We were in the Vault and did not hide our identities in any way. Once Seegmiller comes out of hiding, he will quickly know our faces and come after us. We aren’t sure if he’ll retaliate legally/officially, attack us via Mr. Scab, or something else. We have the opportunity to plan a preemptive strike.

We discuss possible options:

  1. We can kill Zeth Seegmiller.
  2. We can publicly humiliate or ruin Zeth to essentially defang him.
    • Faylen’s issue with this is we don’t have any physical evidence because we destroyed it, and didn’t bring any more of it out with him. This would be a trial with no physical evidence against a man who can buy the cops, the judge, the entire judicial system.

The Party Less One Bosch

We summon Sage Axamonar. He arrives and asks what’s happening and we explain that we managed to get the piece of the Seal of Infinity we were after. Mary explains that there were some complications. Axamonar asks who we pissed off and Faylen says Zeth Seegmiller, and Bosch mentions Major Hieronymus Flint. Tabby then brings up Sal, and it’s clear that Axamonar smiles but it’s only to put us at ease because he’s not at ease.

Mary then explains everything about The Agent and how we burned many of those papers. Axamonar explains that this is unfortunate magic that is not technically illegal because you are, in theory, signing under your own free will, and it’s done so rarely that it’s considered fringe. We explain we found as much as we could and burned them, but couldn’t find Mr. Scab himself.

Axamonar explains we dealt quite a blow to Seegmiller’s entire operation: not only because of the fragment of the seal, but freeing the people of their mind control. Axamonar offers to intimidate the right people so we can meet with The Agent. The Agent could be quite useful as she seems to be the type to be motivated by revenge.

Faylen asks where Seegmiller may be hiding, and Axamonar says he’s not sure, but The Agent could be rather useful in finding out this information. Axamonar explains that he fully supports us in any way that we think is best to deal with Seegmiller, but we cannot be caught dealing with him visibly in public. Axamonar in particular believes that this will be dealt with in the shadows because of the types of items we did destroy.


Before the conversation with Axamonar, Bosch left to go find Zada Nix, who lives below where Axamonar’s apartment is. She lives in one of the apartments under ground. He knocks politely and when Zada answers, he explains that he has a few questions about the party they went to. He asks how someone gets to become such a big deal, and how to deal with someone that big.

Zada explains you get that big with money, mostly. His entire family’s been very rich for several generations and it’s just accumulated over the years. How do you stop? Take away the money helps a lot. They comment that a man like that has enough money you don’t generally just lose it all in one go, which can make it tricky.

Bosch admits that he is on Zeth’s bad side now, and he is looking for advice on how to get rid of Zeth once and for all. Bosch says that our only idea is to kill him, and that if that happens, then surely others will pop up in his stead. Zada explains that there will always be another, but Zeth himself does not have any other family. Zada expresses that there are some rumors that Zeth himself may actually live forever, and he got that talent from some other immortal beings. Zeth clearly has no intention to have a family, and it’s always seemed to be his plan to live forever to rule his own dynasty of sorts.

Bosch admits he’s good at breaking things - physical things - but this has become a challenge: there’s a huge pile of money, there’s a large organization, there’s Zeth himself, everything around Zeth… Bosch wants to break all of that. He’s not so convinced that just killing him would do it. Zada explains that there are options, but it requires more work than simply killing Zeth. She explains that whoever takes control after him are not as bad as him, or capable of becoming as bad as him - and that’s a tall order! Not impossible, but tough!

He thinks this over and considers what she suggested. Zada asks if he’s wanting advice, or does he want help with all of this? Bosch explains that he was wondering if Zada knows what Zeth is - there’s a weird vibe about him. Zada explains that he’s just human. He didn’t sell his soul because he couldn’t find a price he wanted, he couldn’t become a vampire because nobody would sire him, he refused to work with the fey because they annoyed him. He’s just human. He may have worked with someone else or gotten protection when she wasn’t paying attention, but she doesn’t think he’s even studied magic.

Bosch is surprised by that, but thinks it over. He admits he didn’t think to take all of the money, but there’s only so much he could carry, and it’d take years or a lot of people working to empty that vault. Bosch comments that when he says we he doesn’t mean to include her - unless she wants to help? he wouldn’t say no - he doesn’t know if she does this thing normally…

He hates to admit it, but he wants the law to turn on Zeth. Zada explains that there are a lot of steps for that: it would help to have public opinion on our side, to have an official on our side. It’s not impossible, but it requires time. Bosch says that we don’t know when Zeth will show up again as he is in hiding, and Zada explains that he likely has his own pocket dimension - she can ask around for us?

Bosch doesn’t dislike that, but if we need public opinion, then we need Zeth to show up and do something bad publicly. Zada says that she can get someone to spy on Zeth while he’s in this pocket dimension. Bosch originally sort of downplays this because we need the public opinion, but then he decides that actually he would like if Zada did ask her contact to do that, and he’d owe her a favor later.

The Entire Party

Bosch says Zada can put us in touch with someone who can spy on Zeth where he is.

Bosch does explain that we can work on the public opinion and Mary points out that there is a debate about us helping at the party, and we should really play into that one. Bosch likes this: we can lead the press with this, but Zeth also has a larger newspaper we have to worry about.