Session Date: 3/9/2023
Net has left and is walking, finding his way to the NCPD precinct his uncle is held at. He requests to visit his uncle, but is not on the list for visitation. The woman at the desk will notify his uncle of Net’s arrival, so he waits. They come back and do a security check on Net, confiscating the gun he is carrying, then let him go back to the visitation room.
He waits and it’s not too long before they bring his uncle out. He is seated before Net and is clearly pissed as he looks at him. He asks what Net wants, and he explains Esperanza sent him here to check in and possibly pay his bail. Net explains he’s never made enough in the past to post bail, but he’s here to have a conversation because he doesn’t hold grudges but El Charro Negro explains he must do what is best for the family and Net grows angry as he says that nobody in the gang is family anymore. TĂo is impressed Net’s grown a pair and asks what Net has to say.
He asks how TĂo got here and he explains that he and his men had a gig go south (a sing) and he got caught and landed in here. Net continues to generally be a dick (which is 100% valid) and asking for more details about what happened. TĂo says he could regale Net with all of the details, but Net isn’t interested after all. Net does request that if he bails him out to go at least one month without this gang bullshit.
He measures Net up, then starts to go on about how a break sure would be nice, but he isn’t done. He asks Net for help: if he is going to take a month off, then he’ll ask Net to stop by occasionally and work some jobs. The jobs will be safe and easy, and he’ll leave Cipher out of it and rebuild his rep up in the gang so that they don’t try to zero him. If Net will help him then things will be good, otherwise he’ll end up right back here. Net mouths, “you better not be fucking with me,” to which his tĂo mouths back “I would never lie to you.”
Net watches his tĂo be dragged away, then asks for information on the bail.
- Charges: threat, illegal cyberware, aggravated assault
- Bail: $2,000 (how convenient)
Net texts Cipher and then heads to the stakeout location.
Net’s gang: Santo Domingo Duendecitos
A combat cab pulls up and Net comes out, around noon on Monday at this time.
Net and Bruce meet, exchanging pleasantries. Bruce is keeping watch as Net moves further into the building. Seo tells Net about the fights we had, and Emerick explains about the shipment that we hadn’t been expecting that arrived.
We discuss if we wish to take this surprise shipment. It is in a large, specialized container and will be rather tough to grab, but we realize if we go the corporate route we can pretend to be associated to the company that funds them. Net starts off by suggesting Emerick pose as a corpo, since he refuses to let Seo put himself into this kind of danger. Garf convinces Net to let her be the corpo in this situation. Net and Seo are going to go back to the Curb Stomping Word Vomit warehouse to pick up some things to help with this plan - namely, to make Garf look like a corpo.
On making it back to the safehouse, Charley is pulling up. Seo gets out and greets Charley, who looks rather contemplative. Net gives Charley a very sharp look and asks if they can talk while Seo heads inside.
Charley and Net are alone as Charley says he knows Net knows. Net is not thrilled and asks Charley what he told Cipher, and Charley reiterates the conversation for Net. Charley implies that he followed Cipher and Net even after they left Mamá Rosa’s house. Net gets smug because of “gang protection” and Net warns he can’t control the gang. Charley again beseeches Net and Cipher to play nice and bide their time.
Net goes to the garage to find Crack Pipe and Powder. The frame of the car is a little further along. They want to be done in a month, which Net likes. He asks for the keys to Garf’s bike and grabs them, then takes it and returns to the stakeout.
Seo takes a combat cab back to the stakeout. Bruce helps him get everything inside, and we convince Garf to get out of the ice bath and rest for a while.
The day winds down at Bruce takes first watch. A small car burns rubber down the road - Bruce can swear it’s a white Mei-Mei with a red circle on the front. The car charges toward our location, then stops. A door opens and a jack-in-the-box is thrown out, landing next to Seo and Garf. It explodes immediately.
Bruce jumps down and onto the car, punching out the windshield so that it shatters. Emerick runs down the stairs and sees Garf flung across the room, and Seo just barely managing to roll away from the explosion.
Combat starts against the Bozos.
Notable combat moments:
- Garf ran up to a Bozo with a shotgun so that she could attack them with a greatsword.
- Bruce broke his arm after jumping on top of the car, which caused the car to floor it and run him over.
- Seo also gets point blank with the shotgun Bozo because he knows TKD and Emmy’s mad about it.