Session Date: 09/27/2024

Saturday, September 2nd, 2045


Garf wakes up the morning of September 2nd and Omen is not home. She doesn’t think much of it as she takes a shower.


Emerick looks up the coordinates to figure out what’s in the area and around there. He scouts out the area ahead of time. He finds out:

  • It’s in the middle of fucking nowhere outside of Night City
  • Nothing anywhere near it for miles
  • Looking at network coverage maps and basically roads have signal, but the area doesn’t

He looks into who owns the area and what’s on there, and what the area is zoned for. Emerick finds out the following thanks to a legendary moment (34):

  • Mr. Steele’s properties are mainly the hideout that he has
    • Emerick finds his address and exactly where he lives
  • Emerick also finds out where Audun Bredall lives
  • While Emerick is looking into public records for the both of them, there is a very specific detail that he notices:
    • One of Mr. Steele’s previously recorded addresses is the same address as the CSWV warehouse that he currently lives at
  • Ultimately, this isn’t looking like a typical setup for private property, and it’s not public property such as the police being stationed at it - it seems to be something else entirely
    • 20 yrs ago there was a push in the city to expand reach outward and in doing so they branched out to a few different areas, building out facilities for some purpose. Reading through declassified documents, Emerick finds out that these are government buildings for different things such as emergency bunkers.
    • The idea is that if anything happened at any times, there was a place to go to be prepared. It is overall rather bizarre, and he figures out that this was actually true, but the business and government sides didn’t really mesh and fell through quickly. This project was more or less forgotten, and they’re still operating and live, but the records were basically lost in the shuffle. Audun somehow figured out about all of this and they decided to retrofit one for their own plans.

Emerick has a government contact named Mr. Anderson. He’s a Night City equivalent to an FBI agent that has been on the force for a little while now, and he has plenty of investigative degrees. Emerick met him early on into his career and had released a story in the past that had gotten his attention, but it was more that it got his attention in that he was someone who was reading the news rather than as an agent.

He reaches out to Mr. Anderson and sends the documentation about these bunkers to him, gently turning the man onto them. He does not add any urgency to it or recommend that there is activity at one of them, but he does want to turn Mr. Anderson onto it to (hopefully) throw a wrench into Mr. Steele & Audun’s plans later on down the road.

Emerick did text Charley asking what is up with Steele living at the warehouse in the past. Charley messages him back and essentially says, “oh shit, yeah, that did happen, my bad.” He explains it was about five years ago and Charley doesn’t know the full extent of what was going on back then and he was much more of an alcoholic back then so it’s not clear. He does confirm that Mr. Steele absolutely was living there. Charley does know one detail that is somewhat important, but he doesn’t know for certain if it actually happened, but there are times he thinks he recalls that Mr. Steele and Juice also went to the same bedroom a few times.


He spends the day working on clients and makes 10 eddies.


Goes out to Saint’s clinic and waits around for a van to show up so that she can hijack it. A van parks across the street and Garf goes up to the van and fires her shotgun at the person in the van, instantly killing them. She takes the van and drives off. She is lucky as nobody was paying any attention.

Garf takes the van to Net to get the plates changed, but then she ultimately gives the van to him to keep.


(this was done in the private channel but he was tortured)

  • Who told you about this place? (-3 legendary failure)
    • 50/50 for Net or Emerick → he gave Emerick


He’s sitting at the warehouse sitting at the kitchen table having dinner and relaxing while the band members are doing their thing. He gets a notification on his agent and it is a outsourcing agent trying to get in contact with him.

She works on the behalf of important people that have a public face and she wants to get involved with medias to talk and post stories. She’s reaching out as a representative for Mr. Steele. She says that he would like to meet face to face in an official setting to sit down and have a one on one interview where he can ask whatever questions he wishes to ask him, and whatever is said and done gets posted and put out for the world to see. He is welcome to bring whomever he wants to bring.

He acknowledges the message and lets her know he will let her know his answer in the morning. She says she looks forward to the answer.

He retires to his room and is relaxing in the evening. He’s sitting there and getting ready for bed and he receives a notification that is another message. All that it says is: You should have said yes.

There is an attachment of what looks like someone that looks exactly like Omen standing by a wall, with Mr. Steele holding a gun to their head. You have 5 hours.

The same coordinates from the video are then dropped

About two minutes after this he receives a phone call from Ida Mueller with an offer for a job. She requests that he leave a virus in their system, and implies that she left the video there to be found.