Session Date: 02/08/2025
We had defeated all of the azer at the doc and noticed a gothic building atop the hill. There are storms and mists and it’s basically the aesthetic that Dr. Daclaud Heinfroth - the ruler of this island - prefers. The only way is up toward the building, and so that’s where we go. Atheya can feel someone watching us, and she notices someone watching them from one of the tower windows in the building. She mentions it to the group and Trouble comments only keeps and grandmas watch people, but Serina and Atheya both confirm that Heinfroth counts as a creep.
Serina knocks on the door and after a few minutes of conversation and the door swings open on its own. We step in and there’s a desk with nobody sitting at it, but there are a few paths deeper into the building including a hall and stairs. Lightning flashes and we see the doctor standing atop the stairs. He greets us and asks if there’s anyone we’re here to see.
Heinfroth tilts his head and appears next to us suddenly, and Serina reflexively tries to punch him. He backs up and asks what kind of scuffle we got into, and Serina responds that we had a scuffle with the azer. Trouble pipes up as well, and Heinfroth tries to sniff them, but Serina body blocks him from doing anything. He invites us into the dining room, and Serina says she’d rather just get the information we need and leave.
Serina confirms we’re looking for Pietra van Riese and Heinfroth says that it’s no fun if he just gives us what we want, and he’s not allowed to speak about his patients besides. He continues to be a fucking creep and sniff all of us. Serina and Trouble try to intimidate and confuse him respectively, to no avail. As we stand here and then eventually move to the dining hall we can see some attendants going through and actively working - it’s clear that this part of the building is part of an actual hospital.
Heinfroth offers to give us some medical assistance given how rough we all look. Trouble licks the floor? wall? and tastes antiseptic and thinks we are safe. He takes us back and does actually treat our wounds. After, he offers to let us see the patient, but not all of us can go. He specifically wants Trouble to stay behind, and offers to let Serina stay with Trouble.
After much discussion, we choose that Trouble and Serina stays behind, with Arkuda, Arseid as a fox, and Atheya go to speak with prisoner.
Arseid, Arkuda, Atheya: The Prisoner
We go with an attendant down into the basement, which is most definitely the dungeon. Prisoner V is someone yelling about wanting to kill some teenagers and their unicorn, Prisoner I seems to be a mindflayer with a psionic field protecting everyone. We make it to Prisoner P, and find Pietra van Riese who is not currently awake.
Foxseid jumps through the bars of the door and transforms into her normal humanoid form. Pietra wakes and asks what is going on and Atheya explains that we were sent by Malus Sceleris to have her stop attacking his ships. She says if we can get her out then she can sure do that for us, and Arkuda and Atheya can tell that she’s being honest and just wants to get out. Atheya asks how she got here, and she was betrayed by a part of her crew.
A prison break seems to be the best option in this case.
Trouble & Serina
Heinfroth has charmed both Serina and Trouble and has put Trouble on the hospital bed to drink their precious brain fluids.
After a little while, Trouble manages to break out of the charm and immediately starts to scream and then sends Arkuda message to say that Heinfroth is trying to drink their brain juice.