A region of the First World that once belonged to Count Ranalc before his disappearance. It has fallen to pieces since his exile.

The entire realm is shrouded in shadow and darkness. It is a very dangerous realm to be in but it is also incredibly easy to access as portals between the universe and the netherworld are relatively common.


  • Gorga
    • Embody different fears of the dark held by diurnal creatures
    • Avoid light, esp daylight, and prefer to stay in Nighthold or deep in Galorian forests in day
    • All can see through darkness, including magical darkness
    • Types:
      • Temagyr - nocturnal hunters (being stalked, hunted, etc)
      • Gaiomyr - unknowable shapes moving in darkness
      • Notua - losing one’s final source of light
      • Ocluai - being lost in the dark

Notable Locations

  • Kaneepo the Slim’s lair
    • A giant tree that looms over the other foliage.