Session Date: 09/07/2024 MAAAAAAAAP


Ria is having breakfast and a man and an elf are conversing at the edge of her hearing. The man sits down next to Ria, and he explains he has a question. He asks about her “green-faced friend” up above, asking if he’s a goblin in nature. The guy explains that they’re looking for goblinoids to hunt, and he is glad that Valentine is not one. The men are wearing symbols that dictate some organization or deity of some kind, but Ria simply says that the conversation is over. They back off and leave her alone, and Ria notices that nobody is giving them any respect. Opal also sits down at some point, wearing a face mask and has cucumbers on his face.

Killian watches this interaction silently and notices the symbol on their clothes. This is a gang called The Greenskin Stalkers and they are not from around here. They are from Isger, which is part of Old Cheliax. They are obsessed with killing all goblinoids. The Greenskin Stalkers leave and the denizens of the city throw rotten food at them on their way.

We all agree to stay for a few days to rest and heal up.


Ria ultimately decides to track down the bear woman from the retinue that was with Melissa Vemilo, Esquire. Ria finds Orsa in her human form, roasting a deer that was a fresh kill. Ria gets the distinct feeling that Orsa is aware of her and allowed her to approach. Orsa invites Ria to sit and eat with her.

Orsa explains that she is moving on to Auspice - a Cheliax multinational corporation that hunts for artifacts. She invites Ria to join her, and Ria counters with Orsa joining up with us instead. Orsa asks how much income we are making, and Ria can’t answer, and Orsa says that she needs to eat - she can’t just hunt all the time. Orsa says that next they run into each other they won’t kill each other, and see what happens then.

In Town

The Aspis Consortium recruiter is a dwarf with infernal heritage: full infernal horns, the whole bit. He has an entire human butler - Stabwell. While in the inn he eats the food and tries the drink, and then asks his butler to give the chef his compliments.

Opal glances him over and can tell that the man looks very well-dressed - as much as one can while traveling on the road. The dwarf smiles and waves at Opal, and beckons him over. Opal approaches and Valentine follows, standing to the side as if he were a body guard. The dwarf introduces himself as Dagon Bronzehelm.

Valentine takes notice of Stabwell when Opal tries to have him join them, and Valentine notices that Stabwell carries himself as a warrior rather than a simple butler.

Dagon invites Yuna and Killian to join the conversation as well, and they do ultimately join. Killian has a coffee and Yuna has whatever is recommended to her.

Dagon asks if we would be interested in joining him in an excursion into the woods to retrieve an artifact in the woods. Killian can’t recall what might be in the woods, but Killian can tell he just needs a group of adventurers to help him find and collect it. Killian can tell that he’s trying to look more important than he is. He explains it should only take a day or two, and the re are rewards: money. He explains his organization needs one specific artifact, and they’d be willing to part with any other artifacts that might be found along the way. In addition, if we do well, there may be the potential for additional work in the future.

He will do his best to join us, but at the very least Stabwell will be joining us on this venture - it will depend on timetables. He doses think it’s reasonable to wait for Ria to come back before we go.

Time passes and we discuss the contract and job opportunity. We all agree to sign the contract and help with this guy. We are to go into the forest to pick up this artifact and deliver it to Dagon. This artifact is something new rather than old: perhaps something crashed in the forest.